you tube the minimal mom

You tube the minimal mom

By ktgrokNovember 18, in The Chat Board. Ok, so I'm hooked on the Minimal Mom youtube channel.

Dawn Madsen, also known as The Minimal Mom, and her family have lived as minimalists for 7 years now. Passionate about the message of minimalism, most often you can find her on YouTube sharing practical tips and ideas to simplify and declutter. Dawn shares her ideas with over a million people each month, was recently featured on the Today show, is author of Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day and is the co-creator of the Take Your House Back course. As a mom, I know the struggle is REAL when it comes to running a YouTube channel, running a business, and being present for my kids, and I know so many of my students, clients, and listeners can totally relate. Dawn is a minimalist YouTuber, business owner, and course creator, all while being a busy homeschooling mom! How the heck does she do it all? There really are only so many hours in a day, and to make it all work, Dawn has hired a team.

You tube the minimal mom

This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. That means that if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read more here. Think minimalism with kids is impossible? Think again! Here are the top ten best minimalist mom YouTube channels to inspire you in Dawn from The Minimal Mom is one of the best YouTube channels to follow if you need practical advice on decluttering and simplifying your life. Follow along with Dawn, her husband Tom, their four kids, and occasionally her twin sister, Diana, for excellent decluttering tips, family minimalism ideas, and good storytelling each week. For over six years, Natalie has been a mom YouTuber but started sharing videos about her journey to declutter her home and move towards minimalist living at the beginning of After losing my mother to cancer when I was nine years old, then my father, my childhood home, and eight more people that same year, I became a sentimental hoarder. Then, I accidentally started down what would become a 5-year journey towards minimalism, which culminated in us extreme decluttering our entire home down to eight suitcases and moving to Europe to buy our dream home! Shannon is a mom of three who started her decluttering journey back in , and she decided to create a YouTube channel to document the process!

Christmas has been tough for me - I tend to overspend on the grandkids. After losing my mother to cancer when I was nine years old, then my father, my childhood home, and eight more people that same year, I became a sentimental hoarder. Leave a Replay.


Why are so many of our kids showing signs of trauma when they live in relative safety? How do we raise counter-cultural kids in a world of excess? He has been helping children, adolescents and families explore issues such as social difficulties with siblings and classmates, attention and behavioral issues at home and school, and a range of emotional issues such as defiance, aggression, addiction and self-esteem. Thank you so much for listening and could I ask a favor? Would you mind following? It helps podcast apps recommend this podcast to more friends. Thank you!

You tube the minimal mom

This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. That means that if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read more here. Think minimalism with kids is impossible? Think again! Here are the top ten best minimalist mom YouTube channels to inspire you in Dawn from The Minimal Mom is one of the best YouTube channels to follow if you need practical advice on decluttering and simplifying your life. Follow along with Dawn, her husband Tom, their four kids, and occasionally her twin sister, Diana, for excellent decluttering tips, family minimalism ideas, and good storytelling each week. For over six years, Natalie has been a mom YouTuber but started sharing videos about her journey to declutter her home and move towards minimalist living at the beginning of

Standing hanger rack

Posted November 18, Having totally clear counters isn't going to happen for me - between the toaster, the electric kettle, the keurig, the nespresso, the stand mixer, and the instant pot - all of which are used daily other than the stand mixer and it is used at least a few times a week - I can't see getting those out of a cabinet daily or multiple times a a day even if I had room to store them. Now, she has over 1 million followers that tune in for her aesthetic videos on minimalism, simple living , motherhood, thrifting, and family life vlogs. She has some wacky ideas which we ignored, but putting everything that goes together in a pile then "putting back those that spark joy" or those you really need works so well. That would be 24 new items in the house! We went through Christmas ornaments yesterday as family and paired down from one large container and a small to just keeping the small one and all our favorite ornaments! Our parents, siblings, and the rest of the extended family used to be insane with kid gifts. I do feel better with less stuff out and visible though. My husband She was happy she could easily see all her favorites in the box, which went back to the shed until we decorate for Christmas. I did stop wrapping stocking presents last year! But kept the napkin rings my dad hand made from giant snail shells he collected apple snails when we lived in South Florida. Partnering with someone can really help and be a fun project to connect with other creators and promote it to a wider audience!


And he was an SOB that was pretty abusive to my mom - so not keeping it out of sentimentality. Minimal Mom youtube and other minimalist musings. Going to have to think on that one - maybe see if there is something I'd rather have in that spot. Stepping down to four gifts per child is actually progress for my family, a move away from consumerism. Dh and I have a small closet with 1 clothes rod each and a 3-dresser chest from Ikea under the hanging clothes. My kids are getting older and it's to find things they want. Followers 5. So, I have space in my garage for two not-huge storage bins for holiday decorations. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. Super inexpensive and easy to set up! This will help with the budget as well. I bagged up the batteries and labeled them for the headlamps so I would know they weren't new. So going to reexamine.

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