zinc plus hydrochloric acid

Zinc plus hydrochloric acid

Wiki User.

Wiki User. A word equation represent the reactions between metals and acids. The reaction for zinc and hydrochloric acid would be, zinc plus hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen plus zinc chloride. Zinc plus hydrochloric acid produces zinc chloride plus hydrogen gas. Common one.

Zinc plus hydrochloric acid


What is the word equation for hydrochloric acid zinc?


The hydrogen causes bubbling during the reaction, and can be detected using a burning splint which produces a squeaky pop sound. In general, the more reactive the metal, the faster the reaction. This is indicated by more bubbles being given off per second from the metals with higher reactivity, as shown by this diagram. The diagram shows that aluminium is the most reactive of the four metals, followed by zinc, then iron and finally, copper. Note that the reaction between a metal hydroxide and an acid can be represented by an ionic equation between the hydrogen ions and the hydroxide ions to form water molecules. Also note that the reaction of metal hydroxides with acids is exothermic ie heat energy is given out. Also note that the reaction of metal oxides with acids is exothermic ie heat energy is given out. When acids react with carbonates, such as calcium carbonate found in chalk, limestone and marble , a salt, water and carbon dioxide are made.

Zinc plus hydrochloric acid

We can use a gas syringe to measure the reaction of metals with dilute acid. When zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid it produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. We can measure the rate of the reaction by measuring how fast the reaction produces hydrogen. This requires a conical flask and gas syringe. Similarly, when calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, it produces carbon dioxide gas.

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It is fairly obvious that zinc metal reacts with aqueous hydrochloric acid! The bubbles are hydrogen gas. When zinc metal is submerged into a quantity of aqueous HCl, the following reaction occurs Figure 5.

What is the word equation for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid? Continue Learning about Chemistry. Best Answer. Approximately g of hydrogen gas are produced when Cl H Zn -apex Fojus xD. Tags Acids and Bases Subjects. Common one. Log in. Previously Viewed. Find more answers. Log in. Wiki User. What is the equation for the dissociation of hydrochloric acid? What is a word equation for zinc reacting with hydrochloric acid?

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