Also challenge the genie on 3 additional themes akinator characters: Movies, Objects and Animals! Will you find his weaknesses and make him fail? Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character you are thinking of, just by asking a few questions, akinator, akinator.
Akinator is a video game developed by the French company Elokence. During gameplay, it attempts to determine what fictional or real-life character, object, or animal the player is thinking of by asking a series of questions similar to the game Twenty Questions. It uses an artificial intelligence program that learns the best questions to ask through its experience with players. Before beginning the questionnaire, the players must think of a character, object, or animal. If it is guessed wrong a few times in a row, the game will prompt the user to input the item's name to expand its database of choices. The game is based on the Limule program made by Elokence, and runs on an internally designed algorithm. In Europe , the game reached its peak popularity in
App Description By asking you a few simple 20 questions, Guessing Genie Akinator can guess who read your mind like magic and determine in 20 questions which character you are Guessing or seeing. Geeni will try to identify any character you can think of, whether they are real or imaginary idk. Will you risk confronting the mind reading genie? How about other geenie actor subjects like characters, animals, aki, Akinator, objects etc.? Create a aki user account to extend your geeni experience! You can establish your geni mind reader activator on genie Akinator. It will keep track of your geni guess who balance, unlocked genies and Aki Awards you've received and who are you. Even if you switch gene or your gartic phone aki, they will still show Guessing game you have with siri. Genie guess who geni is becoming more and more powerful genie Now that the garctic phone genie has gained more mind reader knowledge, you have the chance of 20 questions. Genie are encouraged actor to think magic geni creatively by the blue idk. You already know that Akinator genie enjoys making character guesses and taking on guessing games challenging tasks. Make him guess who geni genie characters in order to accomplish that animoji, and you might take home the finest guessing games Aki Award.
September 9, Akinator Elokence SAS. It's more than just 20 questions, akinator, it's a way to akinator your imagination and creativity against the powers of a digital genie.
Akinator Elokence SAS. Contains ads In-app purchases. Teen info. Akinator can read your mind just like magic and tell you what character you are thinking of, just by asking a few questions. Think of a real or fictional character and Akinator will try to guess who it is. Will you dare challenge the genie?
The famous Akinator has come to Miniplay for you to try to beat him in his own game. The genius will ask you up to 25 questions to try and guess the character, real or fictional, or the animal you have in mind. I'm sure Akinator will beat you easily, but if not, congratulations, you've done a great job! You can also add your character or animal so that Akinator can guess it next time. Leaving aside the fact that Akinator may have supernatural powers and live in a lamp, its creators claim that it's all due to a secret algorithm they're not willing to share, and that it finds the right character from the answers of all the players who have challenged Akinator since it was created.
Akinator Elokence SAS. Contains ads In-app purchases. Teen info.
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Will you manage to defeat Akinator? Makerblox - skins for Roblox. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Unleash your creativity by mixing 12 hats and 13 clothes to create your ideal combination. It asks for no personal information and seems to be directly from pure human knowledge. L'Express in French. Like it an AI game it will make mistakes so don't think it will guess it right every single time. Teen info. Will you find his weaknesses and make him fail? Article Talk. Think you can challenge him online for free? Turn on Wifi or be sure to have a data plan.
Akinator is a free online guessing game where the main character is trying to read your thoughts. Come and face the mighty guessing powers of the ingenious Akinator.
In Europe , the game reached its peak popularity in The powerful, magical being that can deduce almost any character living or dead by simply asking you 20 questions. Description Also challenge the genie on 3 additional themes besides characters: Movies, Objects and Animals! Exit Fullscreen. Unleash your creativity by mixing 12 hats and 13 clothes to create your ideal combination. Archived from the original on August 18, The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Idiot Test. The genie has increased his knowledge, and now you have the opportunity to also challenge him on movies, animals and objects! To do that, make him guess forgotten characters who have not been played for a very long time and you may win the best Aki Awards.
Excuse, I have thought and have removed a question
Silence has come :)