saptami is good or bad

Saptami is good or bad

Vedic Astrology has defined good and bad days for travel, based on transit of Moon in various signs, nakshatras and weekdays. So, if you are planning for a holiday or travelling for work, saptami is good or bad, make sure you pick the right combination of weekday and nakshatra for a pleasurable trip. And, during waxing period of moon between newmoon and fullmoon days : 2,3,5,7,10,11,13 lunar days are considered auspicious.

National Today. India celebrates a day-long Durga Puja festival with great enthusiasm and spirit. It is said that the battle between Goddess Durga and the demon king Mahishasura began on this day and ended on Vijaya Dashami day, the 10th and last day of the Durga Puja festival with the victory of the goddess over the demon. There is another legend surrounding the celebration of this day. It is believed that Lord Rama prayed to Goddess Durga before his battle with the demon king Ravana, who abducted his wife Sita. This puja had to be done with blue lotus flowers; however, Lord Rama could only find To complete the puja, he plucked out his own blue eye and offered it to the goddess in place of the missing lotus.

Saptami is good or bad

Infact, SUN is a prominent god in many cultures and religions across the world. This is believed to be the day when Sun started illuminating the world and solar system started forming. Ratha Saptami is symbolic of the change of season to spring and the start of the harvesting season. For most Indian farmers, it is an auspicious beginning of the New Year. The festival is observed by all Hindus in their houses and in innumerable temples dedicated to Surya, across India. Seven horses are also said to represent the seven days of a week starting with Sunday, the day of Sun god Surya. The chariot has 12 wheels, which represents the 12 signs each of 30 degrees of the Zodiac degrees and constituting a full year, named Samvatsara. The Ratha Saptami festival seeks the benevolent cosmic spread of energy and light from the Sun God. This is the best day if you wish to start practicing Surya Namaskar Postures and recite Gayatri Mantra. Infact, Earth starts getting close to sun and gets ready for Spring.

This is invoked as Goddess Durga in the river. Menu National Today. Durga Puja.


He will protect many people, be charitable, friendly, honourable, and dominated by his spouse. In the next six signs, dark lunar half prevails till the Moon rejoins the Sun. Notes: c A lunar month is divided into two halves. From the time when the Sun and Moon are in one and the same sign, with identical longitudes to the second of arc, dark lunar half ends and bright lunar half commences. During the course of 15 lunar days or Thithis, the Moon passes through six signs. This concludes the lunar fortnight or Paksha and gives way to dark lunar half. Again passing through six signs, the Moon attains the same longitude as the Sun is, ending Amavasya or New Moon.

Saptami is good or bad

Tithis begin at varying times of day and vary in duration approximately from 19 to 26 hours. A Hindu muhurta forty-eight minute duration can be represented in five attributes of Hindu astronomy namely, vara the weekday, tithi , nakshatra the Moon's asterism, yoga the angular relationship between Sun and Moon and karana half of tithi. Tithi plays an important role along with nakshatra in Hindus' daily as well as special activities in selecting the muhurta. There are auspicious tithis as well as inauspicious tithis , each considered more propitious for some purposes than for other. There are 30 tithis in each lunar month , named as:. This Hinduism-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide.

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Infact, SUN is a prominent god in many cultures and religions across the world. Vedic Astrology has defined good and bad days for travel, based on transit of Moon in various signs, nakshatras and weekdays. Seven horses are also said to represent the seven days of a week starting with Sunday, the day of Sun god Surya. Skip to content National Today. Nabapatrika Nabapatrika is a ritual that worships nine different leaves that are known to represent the nine forms of the goddess. About us Our Mission Our Story. About National Today We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. What do we do in Maha Saptami? Bhadra : Uttarabhadra. It gives people a platform to come together and be a community. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. Gifts Reviews and Gift Guides. Durga Puja is the victory of good over evil. And, during waxing period of moon between newmoon and fullmoon days : 2,3,5,7,10,11,13 lunar days are considered auspicious. Also, suitable Ascendants rising signs and lunar days tithis have been prescribed for travel in certain directions.

National Today. India celebrates a day-long Durga Puja festival with great enthusiasm and spirit.

And, during waxing period of moon between newmoon and fullmoon days : 2,3,5,7,10,11,13 lunar days are considered auspicious. The last ritual is the Prana Prathishta, where a pot filled with holy water and covered with a coconut surrounded by five mango leaves is placed in front of the idol of the goddess, followed by chanting divine hymns. And if your journey starts at AM on same day, then it would be combination of wednesday and Chitra nakshatra and result will be Fear of Death, Accidents. Rituals Maha Saptami has three main rituals: the bathing ritual of nine plants, bathing of the mirror which reflects Goddess Durga, and worshipping the goddess with 16 special items. It is not mentioned as frequently as other asterisms in mythology. Maha Saptami has three main rituals: the bathing ritual of nine plants, bathing of the mirror which reflects Goddess Durga, and worshipping the goddess with 16 special items. This battle happened on day seven of the month of Ashwin. These combination days can be picked for successful journey and expected results. Sun Jun 2. The second ritual is the Mahasnan, where a mirror is treated as the personification of the Goddess Durga and is given a ritual bath. However, travelling in these combinations of weekdays and transit nakshatras of moon have been found to give accurate results and they can be experienced within the number of days given in last colum from the commencement of journey. Maha Saptami celebrates women empowerment in all its glory. According to the scriptures, Goddess Parvati gave up her golden avatar to kill the asuras Shumbha-Nishumbha.

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