Albert wesker

Originally one of albert wesker test subjects in Project W who specialized in biotechnology and bioengineering, Wesker was an elite perfectionist individual of absolute coldness, always wearing deep-black sunglasses that gave him an even more unapproachable air. As a senior researcher linked to the t-Virus Project as early asalbert wesker, he bore witness to, and at times shaped, Umbrella 's B.

Albert Wesker is the original antagonist of the Resident Evil franchise and by far still the most iconic, despite not appearing within the main story of a game since Resident Evil 5 almost 15 years ago. This incredibly intelligent and heartless villain has been one of the leading causes of life-threatening bioweapon developments over the series and has earned his place as perhaps one of the best, most memorable bad guys in gaming history. There is no doubt that Wesker is pure evil, doing anything he can to ensure the world's destruction and his domination over it. This character is one of the franchise's most reoccurring and has featured in several Resident Evil games since his debut in and that leads to the question - how many games exactly has he appeared in? Albert Wesker makes his iconic first appearance as the main antagonist in the original Resident Evil.

Albert wesker

He originates from the video game franchise Resident Evil , specifically Resident Evil 5 His personal Perks, Superior Anatomy , Awakened Awareness , and Terminus , allow him to vault faster, see other Survivors' Auras while carrying one, and cause Survivors to be permanently Broken when the Exit Gates are powered. Difficulty Rating: Moderate These Killers require the Player to be comfortable with the basics of the role, though they share common mechanics with easier ones. Albert Wesker was a high-ranking official in the Umbrella Corporation. While he made great strides with Umbrella, his ambition drove him to betray the corporation. Believing himself the best test subject, he exposed himself to the Prototype virus. Now with superhuman strength, Wesker faked his death and went underground with a new plan: expose the world to Uroboros, a biological weapon that would eliminate the weak and leave only the strong. Wesker began to put his plan to action in Africa but was confronted by members of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance at a hangar stocked with missiles carrying Uroboros. Determined to be at the vanguard of evolution, he once again made himself a test subject. Exposing himself to Uroboros, he began to evolve in ways he could have never imagined.

An ichorous substance pulsed and grew upon his body, pressing through his clothes. Capcom 3.

Wesker has been one of the series' main antagonists as a member of the Umbrella Corporation , manipulating story events behind-the-scenes. To further his own plans, Wesker betrays his allies, fakes his death, gains superhuman abilities, and works with both Umbrella's mysterious rival company and their successors in the field of biological weapons development until his ultimate defeat by Chris Redfield in Resident Evil 5 Wesker was conceptualized by writer Kenichi Iwao, who envisioned Wesker as an arrogant, intelligent, and unsympathetic character. Wesker is presented as a virologist focused on advancing human evolution, and later becomes a bio-terrorist obsessed with eradicating humanity. Wesker possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and regeneration, and he mutates into a more powerful form in Resident Evil 5.

Once Wesker became infected with Prototype virus , the only physical change he had was in his eyes, whose pupils narrowed and took on the appearance of slits while the color changed to a yellow or red hue. In addition, his eyes also developed a form of periodic bio-illumination, glowing a deep shade of red whenever he felt an intense emotion, such as anger. Exposure to this virus also has led Wesker to lose any trace of humanity he has ever had and to become more self-centered than before. After his massive exposure to Uroboros virus , while Wesker's lower body remained human, the upper became grotesque and bizarre, as the resulting mutation gave rise numerous undifferentiated tentacles sprouted that completely enveloped his torso and limbs. All tentacles were linked by the orange pustule-like organs that emerged in the center of his chest and back, which served as the control center of the organic growth. At the same time, several dark spots similar to burns appeared over most of Wesker's torso, face and forearms.

Albert wesker

Albert Wesker was a calculating, intelligent and callous individual who sought to stand at the top of the world. He was involved in biological weapons from the very beginning, helping to research and perfect the t-Virus before becoming directly involved in many of the horrific incidents caused by the virus over the years. He willingly betrayed those around him to suit his own needs and triggered the dark era of bioterrorism before ultimately enacting a plan to wipe out all of mankind, capitalising on a lifelong hatred of humanity. Back in the s, Albert was just one of many children from various nationalities that were collected by Umbrella. The one thing these children all had in common was being born to parents of superior intellect. They were all rebranded with the surname Wesker, after the chief researcher leading the project under the classified instructions of Oswell Spencer.

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But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. In early , the Organization became aware of a series of unusual incidents in the Caucasus, which led them to believe a biohazard was responsible. Resident Evil character. B aby E agle I s M issing. Here, Chris and Sheva are able to put a stop to him once and for all. Like most well-loved villains, Wesker has a unique past that only makes him all the more imposing. All of the selected children for the eugenics project were given the last name "Wesker. When growing up, Jake was simply told his father had abandoned him. Wesker was interrupted on both occasions when about to kill them, and soon after left the island for a submarine after discovering Alexia was alive and well at Umbrella's Antarctic Base. I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it! Wesker oversees Ada's progress in retrieving the Plaga. Wesker stood by as the US counter team was dispatched and killed Hidalgo. Its blade glowed with a power he had never before seen. While some plans require intellect, others call for brute force. Wesker has been one of the series' main antagonists as a member of the Umbrella Corporation , manipulating story events behind-the-scenes.

You may be searching for the original , or clones "Bert" and "Alby". Albert Wesker also known as Al was an American scientist and business executive who served on the board for Umbrella Corporation in He was also the adoptive father and creator of Billie and Jade Wesker.

In , Wesker was in contention to lead the rival company and invited the spy Ada Wong to come and assist him again, having built up a professional working relationship since the Raccoon City incident. Wesker stood by as the US counter team was dispatched and killed Hidalgo. He mentally envisioned everything including arms, tactics and strategy, things he conjured from his own mind and planned meticulously to always ensure he kept the upper hand. Wesker appears in several Resident Evil games, novelizations, and other game franchises, including Marvel vs. I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it! For the first time, Wesker is a playable character in the main game, along with iconic characters such as Jill and Chris, within several of its scenarios: 'Beginnings', 'Rebirth' and 'Dark Legacy'. With the t-Virus Project progressing well, despite only developing B. In March , the BSAA was deployed into the nearby city of Kijuju to detain Irving after he was linked to a local uprising of suspected bio-weapons associations. But as he felt his cells change, a strange black fog seeped into the hangar and filled his vision. Chris Redfield. The cash worth is second only to its regenerative effects.

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