animals on craigslist for sale

Animals on craigslist for sale

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Much like the rest of the world, in the US, when it comes to companion animals, most gravitate towards dogs and cats. But while many of these will have been adopted from shelters, others will have been bought from a breeder, a mill, or even a site like Craigslist. A number of activists are calling on the US advertisement website to take action and close the loopholes that allow people to sell and trade animals on its site. To understand more about this underground market, we interviewed Kelly Reeves, founder of Southern California rescue Paw Prints in the Sand. Technically, Craigslist does prohibit the sale of animals on its platform. While perhaps well-intentioned, this creates a massive loophole, and it is exploited heavily. While her rescue focuses on pulling animals from municipal shelters, Reeves explained that there are Facebook groups solely dedicated to scouting and saving animals posted on Craigslist.

Animals on craigslist for sale


For those not ready to take on a permanent new furry family member, fostering is a terrific option. I just urge that they go the extra mile and ensure their [companion animal] goes to a good rescue or a responsible and loving home.


This is a website with advertisements that focus on selling jobs, homes, and other different merchandise that is being advertised. It is a private company that focuses on advertisements for their website to help any business or people with things to sell and connect them with buyers. Can you sell dogs on craigslist though? Is it legal to sell your pet or dog in specific on craigslist? Unfortunately, the rules of the website prohibit the selling of dogs on their website. It is illegal and is stated in their sales section that pet sales are prohibited. Instead, they have come up with another way of doing the sales by something called rehoming. For a small price, the pet owners who would like to give out their pets can go around the rule by doing rehoming with an interested party. However, pet sales are generally not allowed on the site, and craigslist itself will track down those sales unless what you are doing is rehoming. Rehoming is not selling your dog on the website.

Animals on craigslist for sale

There are ads all over the internet of dogs for sale and newborn puppies for sale, however, pet parents often overlook adopting a four-legged family member from an animal shelter or rescue group when exploring how to search for dogs and puppies for sale. To find adoptions near you, start a search for dogs and puppies. Shelter and rescue groups may waive an adoption fee, or require a minimal adoption fee to help cover the expenses of sheltering and caring for the pets in their organization. Many of the dogs and puppies at adoption organizations may have received age-appropriate vaccinations and a veterinarian check, been spayed or neutered, and microchipped prior to leaving with new pet parents. These necessary services are also covered in an adoption fee, ensuring your family gets a happy, healthy pup. You may already have a specific breed of dog or puppy in mind before you begin searching for your next best friend. Not all dogs and families are a good match, and there are many factors that need to be considered before making a decision. Of course, the best way to know for sure that you have found your perfect match is to visit any potential dog candidates in-person. Consider some of these questions to ask yourself before adopting a dog. Search Petfinder.

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June 5, Press Release. For those not ready to take on a permanent new furry family member, fostering is a terrific option. Issues Puppy Mills. Privacy Policy. And, while Craigslist fails to take up these actions, rescues like Paw Prints in the Sand are doing what they can to work with those posting their animals for free. However, we urge people to try to not contribute to the animal abandonment and shelter overpopulation issue and try to work it out. Get the Magazine. Load more. Much like the rest of the world, in the US, when it comes to companion animals, most gravitate towards dogs and cats. Get the Newsletter Never miss out on breaking stories, recipes, and vegan deals. August 10, Press Release.

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People are losing their income and homes. Craigslist can end the exploitation of these animals by banning the transfer of all animals on its website. Get the Magazine. Much like the rest of the world, in the US, when it comes to companion animals, most gravitate towards dogs and cats. Tags: bird Cat craigslist Dog Pig snake. But while many of these will have been adopted from shelters, others will have been bought from a breeder, a mill, or even a site like Craigslist. Action Alert. We do understand that these are challenging times. And, while Craigslist fails to take up these actions, rescues like Paw Prints in the Sand are doing what they can to work with those posting their animals for free. Issues Puppy Mills. While her rescue focuses on pulling animals from municipal shelters, Reeves explained that there are Facebook groups solely dedicated to scouting and saving animals posted on Craigslist. I just urge that they go the extra mile and ensure their [companion animal] goes to a good rescue or a responsible and loving home.

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