baldurs gate canon party

Baldurs gate canon party

Baldurs gate canon party some contexts canon can also refer to Forgotten Realms canon. While the player is allowed to speak with various members of the party as if they do not remember them, this is employed as a method to give players a brief summary of the events of the first baldurs gate canon party, and does not seem intended as a way for the player to dispute their past connections with these characters. However, it is not made clear whether Gorion's Ward traveled with these companions exclusively throughout their adventures in Baldur's Gate2023 zx6r horsepower that they traveled together for some amount of time, baldurs gate canon party. Jaheira's introductory dialogue to a player who claims not to remember her states that "we have traveled together for some time, and the places we have gone number too many to name," [1] so it's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of time was spent with Jaheira and Khalid at least, but still no definite conclusions can be drawn.

They're only the "canon" party because of a shitty novel and because the intro to BG2 was lazy and poorly implemented. People think Dynaheir sucks because they can't play the game without summoning monsters to fight their battles for them. Plus the abundance of invoker in a stick wands of fireball, lightning bolt, magic missile mean there is no need to worry about losing those spells. There is no real mention that Dynaheir is killed just before BG2 as far as I know. Sow thats the first slot And I think the ToB book is not really bad.

Baldurs gate canon party

Baldur's Gate has been around as a franchise since and its latest entry has made waves from the moment it fully released earlier this month. One of the most arguably important features of the game is its character creator. Going all the way back to the original games, the player was able to customize their character as they wished and Baldur's Gate III has upped the ante with an incredible range of choices and configurations. One of the most important parts of an RPG is the ability of the player to get themselves into character. Character creation is an incredibly personal experience and people become very attached to the characters they create. This was no different back in the early '00s when gamers were making their Bhaalspawn character explore the Sword Coast. It's not really a surprise to learn that the novelizations which gave a canon protagonist to the story, as well as a distinct impact on the Forgotten Realms setting, would be pretty controversial and not exactly well received. Abdel Adrian wasn't exactly what people expected, but he is what they were given, and his impact can still be felt in the setting. To fully grasp the impact of the Bhaalspawn Crisis on the greater Forgotten Realms setting , there first needs to be an understanding of the Time of Troubles. It is after these events that the Baldur's Gate games begin, and they involve some key players who themselves are extremely dead by the start of the story. Much of this begins when Bhaal, a member of what was known as the Dark Three who were destined to become the Dead Three, rose to godhood after he and his compatriots took the portfolio of death from Jergal who was the God of Death at the time. He split his portfolio into three and divided it among them, allowing the mortal adventurers to achieve apotheosis. There were three major consequences of this choice. Cleric spells no longer worked unless clerics were within one mile of their deity's avatar, magic became unstable as Mystra goddess of magic could not regulate it, and the gods became vulnerable.

Much of this begins when Bhaal, a member of what was known as the Dark Three who were destined to become the Dead Three, rose to godhood after he and his compatriots took the portfolio of death from Jergal who was the God of Death at baldurs gate canon party time. I'd recommend Jah get's a shield, it can help offset her pathetic BG1 Dex.

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Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Good equipment for canon party? Dynaheir - meh, Mage robe of the Good Archmagi For those that can wear heavy armour just equip whatever is best, giving the best to whoever frequents your front lines. Latronis 13 years ago 3.

Baldurs gate canon party

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Playing with canon party? Is this a stupid idea? I gave Khalid a bow, since he's the only one with the proficiency and it would be blasphemy to give Minsc one. Bad idea?

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Arie fills that role perfectly. Kivan, I guess. Minsc - What? Noob-ish questions Help. Oprindeligt skrevet af JC :. You will need to do the TotSC quests to reactivate her mage spellbook. As a Bard, Haer'Dalis has this skill. Many people tend to think that Kivan and Coran are the best archers, but if you actually sit down and crunch the numbers you will see that Khalid is actually better than them at archery. It was just bad. However with tutu does come the option of making kivan an archer, which comes with bonuses from the kit, and upto grandmastery in ballistics weapons which will put him above khalid in both THAC0 and Damage. Edwin - it's him or Minsc; since my canon PC is good, it's Minsc. My first play-through of BG:EE, I might ditch all of the canon party members and try to recruit some new blood. And by pure chance the party I got was exactly this "canon" party! Attacking with melee as a pure mage is generally a bad idea. It could be considered canon that those characters did not die permanently even if the player killed them or allowed them to die in the first game.

They're only the "canon" party because of a shitty novel and because the intro to BG2 was lazy and poorly implemented.

But using wands where her own spells didn't suffice. Isn't it every man's dream to settle down and have a family? Felinoid , Sep 5, It is inherently tricky to make a canon version of a role-playing game, especially in a setting as wide and wild as Forgotten Realms because no one is going to see their experience reflected correctly back at them. I didn't think it was so bad, really. Kivan, I guess. Depends on the class of the PC. However, like other characters as established previously, Gorion's Ward is not required to take him along. This save could be seen as contributing to the list of characters Gorion's Ward traveled with at some point, but is far from a definitive source. Yes, the wind in this g-gorge.

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