battle for bunker hill fallout 4

Battle for bunker hill fallout 4

Bunker Hill Monument[1] known after the war as Bunker Hillis a location and potential settlement in the Charlestown neighborhood of Boston in After the Great Warthe tall obelisk still stands, battle for bunker hill fallout 4, now home to caravan traders. In battle for bunker hill fallout 4 past, the Minutemen protected the settlement from the dangers of the Commonwealth, but after failing to answer a call during a raider attack, the Minutemen are no longer held in high esteem by the local traders. As a result, the residents must now pay "protection money" to the area's raider gangs including those led by Wire and Jared to avoid being attacked, and rely mostly on mercenary protection against those who can't be bought, such as super mutants home depot snow shovels gangs which do not honor their deals.

Father orders the Sole Survivor to go to Bunker Hill to reclaim some escaped synths held there under the protection of the Railroad. The player will have backup from a courser designated X Exit the Institute and proceed to Bunker Hill. Optional: If Shadow of Steel has been completed, the player can warn Elder Maxson about the Institute's plans, and he will ask the player character to kill the synths when the opportunity arises. If Tradecraft has been completed, it is also possible to warn Desdemona that the Institute is on its way, which will allow the Railroad to anticipate their arrival and lay an ambush. Both groups can be warned or ignored, however despite Desdemona and Maxson saying they would have had no idea of the Institute's intentions if the player had not informed them, all three factions will be present at the hill battling, regardless of the player's actions.

Battle for bunker hill fallout 4

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout 4 Store Page. Global Achievements. Chop View Profile View Posts. Is there any way to do the Battle for Bunker hill quest keeping all 3 factions happy? Everyone shooting is an ally, the synths BOS railroad, everyone, and if I shoot any of them I am officially "out" of that faction correct? Last edited by Chop ; 27 Nov, am. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. Originally posted by Mortucus :. You can't turn any faction hostile during the Battle of Bunker Hill. You're safe.

The Brotherhood of Steel will show up, and all out chaos will happen. Sign in to edit.

This quest begins immediately after completing Synth Retention. Speak with Father, and he will tell you about some stolen Synths. He will tell you to go to Bunker Hill , so that you can get stolen Synths back. As you talk to him, fighting will break out. This is going to be a long, tough battle.

The stakes are raised during this second Institute mission, where Father wants you to track down and recover a number of Synths who have escaped to Bunker Hill. This means assaulting the monument and, if Father had his wish, resetting the Synths. While this mission will test the waters on your faction allegiances, your upcoming actions won't burn bridges. If you'd like to warn either or both the Brotherhood of Steel or the Railroad, go ahead. We opted for the latter. After speaking with father, meet up with a Courser near the edge of Bunker Hill. He'll start off as your ally, but if you decide to free the Synths, he'll become your enemy. Your current allegiances will determine how much you'll be fired on. You could be fortunate enough that all you deal with are a couple turrets. Once you've made it inside the monument and past the basement trapdoor, you get to make your decision on the fates of the Synths.

Battle for bunker hill fallout 4

Despite being able to tell both the Railroad and BoS about the plan at Bunker Hill, you need to follow the Institute quest to complete it. Father learns of a group of runaway Synths being held in Bunker Hill. The group is under the protection of the Railroad, making their retrieval a difficult task. He entrusts the Sole Survivor, along with Courser designation X, to lead a military operation into Bunker Hill and return the lost Synths home. Speaking with Father back in the Institute will reveal that a group of runaway Synths has been located in Bunker Hill. He will entrust you with assaulting Bunker Hill and bringing them home, with the assistance of Courser X After speaking with Father, you need to meet up with Courser X

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They've always been go-it-alone types. Player Settlements. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. NOTE: If you kill or free the Synths, then it's possible to remain an ally of the Institute by telling Father that there was an ambush or that the events don't matter; however, he will still be angry with you. The Institute. Sci-fi Fallout. The Institute. Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth. Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. The Railroad. After a short discussion about how the Commonwealth has declined, Father speaks of Bunker Hill:.

Father orders the Sole Survivor to go to Bunker Hill to reclaim some escaped synths held there under the protection of the Railroad. The player will have backup from a courser designated X

Leave feedback. I need to return to the Institute and tell Shaun what happened in Bunker Hill. Some quests allow you to choose between multiple factions during the mission, which creates an even more interesting story. Talk to Father. Bunker Hill is based on the real-world monument of the same name. You can then speak with Elder Maxson or Father. View mobile website. Reward: XP caps. Do not however go back to the Institute. But watch out for Bunker Hill. Fallout Note: If both the Brotherhood and Railroad were informed, this second piece of dialogue will be unavailable and the courser advances towards Bunker Hill after the first dialogue. As a result, the residents must now pay "protection money" to the area's raider gangs including those led by Wire and Jared to avoid being attacked, and rely mostly on mercenary protection against those who can't be bought, such as super mutants or gangs which do not honor their deals.

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