best patriot deck

Best patriot deck

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Patriot decks are really cool as they can be used for long-forgotten cards with no powers Vanilla cards. Cards that are otherwise used for most cases with great synergy in High Evolutionary Decks. Note that these decks are not current meta decks in Marvel Snap — but you can still have fun and win some games with them. Also, a Patriot Card costs 3 energy and has only 1 power. He goes well with other Ongoing cards, cards that can multiply like Brood and Mister Sinister , as well as with Vanilla cards. The biggest weakness by far is the overcloning or overpopulation of locations.

Best patriot deck


Igor is a dedicated fan of the works of H. This Patriot deck is a Frankenstein abomination of a build that will need best patriot deck be piloted very carefully in order to achieve decent results.


Sign in or create an account to enjoy GINX perks, enter competitions and access exclusive features. Most players in Marvel Snap will undergo a similar new player experience. You'll start out loving cards like Hulk that drop massive stats onto the board. Then, you'll slowly realize that cards without abilities are clearly inferior to cards with abilities, even if the latter has slightly lower stats. Then, you discover Patriot, and everything comes full circle! Patriot is a card that singlehandedly makes cards like Shocker, Cyclops, and The Thing viable in competitive play. Not just viable but meta-defining! Patriot decks are incredibly powerful and can be played leaning fully into the archetype or paired with cards like Silver Surfer for even more combo madness. So, if you want to get Infinite rank using cards with no abilities, here are the best Patriot decks in Marvel Snap you can start using!

Best patriot deck

Patriot decks are really cool as they can be used for long-forgotten cards with no powers Vanilla cards. Cards that are otherwise used for most cases with great synergy in High Evolutionary Decks. Note that these decks are not current meta decks in Marvel Snap — but you can still have fun and win some games with them. Also, a Patriot Card costs 3 energy and has only 1 power. He goes well with other Ongoing cards, cards that can multiply like Brood and Mister Sinister , as well as with Vanilla cards.

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It was probably one of the best Cartoon Network shows, with a limited number of recurring characters who were good. The biggest weakness by far is the overcloning or overpopulation of locations. He goes well with other Ongoing cards, cards that can multiply like Brood and Mister Sinister , as well as with Vanilla cards. Just keep it simple and try to use Surfer and Patriot synergy. Most players in Marvel Snap will undergo a similar new player experience. Support cards: Armor, Cosmo, Cyclops, Abomination. January 25, You'll want to spend your early game developing each location before using Sera on turn five. No doubt a common question among beginners. This includes both base cards like the aforementioned Shocker and cards spawned by Brood, Squirrel Girl, Ultron, and more. To our surprise, we found a game that is on the same level as Slay the Spire. He is a full-time gacha fanatic who is currently addicted to Honkai Star Rail. Cards that are otherwise used for most cases with great synergy in High Evolutionary Decks. Armor is here to protect your 1 energy card in case you play against a Destroy Deck ; these decks usually contain Killmonger. As you can see we can exchange Absorbing Man for Wave or some other card since Wave can give us Doctor Doom for only the cost of 4.

When Marvel Snap players think of a powerful patriotic character, their minds will likely jump to Patriot.

Several months after it was first unveiled to the public as a free demo it now enters Early Access bringing with it further refinement and more content. This Patriot deck is a Frankenstein abomination of a build that will need to be piloted very carefully in order to achieve decent results. This includes both base cards like the aforementioned Shocker and cards spawned by Brood, Squirrel Girl, Ultron, and more. Another great card that acts as a counter is Cosmo , as it prevents all On Reveal effects at the location. This will allow you to play Wong and Silver Surfer on the final turn for maximum buff potential. When you better think about it Control Decks are actually the best counters for most decks. One street, one…. It was probably one of the best Cartoon Network shows, with a limited number of recurring characters who were good. The first series set will have 8 episodes. To our surprise, we found a game that is on the same level as Slay the Spire. Monster Train is a game we found by accident by browsing the web and looking for another mobile card game scratch that itch that was left behind by Hearthstone and Slay the Spire.

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