Change cell color based on value excel

While performing data analysis, you may need to find out particular values favorable to your needs. Highlighting them by changing cell color is one way to find this out from a big pool of data. In this article, I am going to show you how you can change cell color based on the value in Excel. Here, I will be demonstrating 5 methods you can use to change cell color for particular conditions.

In Excel, you can change the cell color based on the value of another cell using conditional formatting. For example, you can highlight the names of sales reps in column A based on whether their sales are more than , or not which is a value we have in cell D2. This tutorial covers three techniques for changing cell color based on the value of another cell in Excel. Conditional Formatting is a feature in Excel that allows you to format cells based on particular criteria or conditions. If the specified criteria are met, conditional formatting will highlight the cell; else, it will not. While in most cases, conditional formatting is used to highlight cells based on the values in the cells themselves, you can also color these cells based on values in some other cell or column.

Change cell color based on value excel

In this article, you will find two quick ways to change the background color of cells based on value in Excel , and Also, you will learn how to use Excel formulas to change the color of blank cells or cells with formula errors. Everyone knows that changing the background color of a single cell or a range of data in Excel is easy as clicking the Fill color button. But what if you want to change the background color of all cells with a certain value? Moreover, what if you want the background color to change automatically along with the cell value's changes? Further in this article you will find answers to these questions and learn a couple of useful tips that will help you choose the right method for each particular task. Task : You have a table or range of data, and you want to change the background color of cells based on cell values. Also, you want the color to change dynamically reflecting the data changes. Solution : You need to use Excel conditional formatting to highlight the values greater than X , less than Y or between X and Y. Suppose you have a list of gasoline prices in different states and you want the prices greater than USD 3. Note: The screenshots for this example were captured in Excel , however the buttons, dialogs and settings are the same or nearly the same in Excel and Excel Then click the Format… button to choose what background color to apply when the above condition is met. In the Format Cells dialog box, switch to the Fill tab and select the color of your choice, the reddish color in our case, and click OK. Now you are back to the New Formatting Rule window and the preview of your format changes is displayed in the Preview box. If everything is Okay, click the OK button.

Since conditional formatting is dynamic, in case you change the sales target value in cell D2, the highlighting in the sales in column B would automatically update.

Conditional formatting can help make patterns and trends in your data more apparent. To use it, you create rules that determine the format of cells based on their values, such as the following monthly temperature data with cell colors tied to cell values. You can apply conditional formatting to a range of cells either a selection or a named range , an Excel table, and in Excel for Windows, even a PivotTable report. Conditional formatting typically works the same way in a range of cells, an Excel table, or a PivotTable report. However, conditional formatting in a PivotTable report has some extra considerations:. There are some conditional formats that don't work with fields in the Values area of a PivotTable report.

While performing data analysis, you may need to find out particular values favorable to your needs. Highlighting them by changing cell color is one way to find this out from a big pool of data. In this article, I am going to show you how you can change cell color based on the value in Excel. Here, I will be demonstrating 5 methods you can use to change cell color for particular conditions. For an easily digestible demonstration, I am going to use two different datasets- one with numerical values to classify them into ranges and one with text values. The color of the cell will change according to the rule you have set if you change the value in it. For this, I will be using conditional formatting. I am going to divide the population numbers into 3 categories- above 20 million, below 5 million, and one in between.

Change cell color based on value excel

Conditional formatting can help make patterns and trends in your data more apparent. To use it, you create rules that determine the format of cells based on their values, such as the following monthly temperature data with cell colors tied to cell values. You can apply conditional formatting to a range of cells either a selection or a named range , an Excel table, and in Excel for Windows, even a PivotTable report. Conditional formatting typically works the same way in a range of cells, an Excel table, or a PivotTable report. However, conditional formatting in a PivotTable report has some extra considerations:. There are some conditional formats that don't work with fields in the Values area of a PivotTable report. For example, you can't format such fields based on whether they contain unique or duplicate values. These restrictions are mentioned in the remaining sections of this article, where applicable. If you change the layout of the PivotTable report by filtering, hiding levels, collapsing and expanding levels, or moving a field, the conditional format is maintained as long as the fields in the underlying data are not removed.


Thanks in advance. Since conditional formatting is dynamic, in case you change the sales target value in cell D2, the highlighting in the sales in column B would automatically update. Include subtotals and grand totals. Here's how rules are applied, first when rules don't conflict, and then when they do conflict: When rules don't conflict For example, if one rule formats a cell with a bold font and another rule formats the same cell with a red color, the cell is formatted with both a bold font and a red color. Format lowest and highest values: Select a Midpoint. Select the type of values that need to be colored. Why isn't Yellow appearing? I have changed colours of cells as I wanted to. Ingeborg Hawighorst Do you happen to know how to change the cell colour based on an other cell colour? A two-color scale helps you compare a range of cells by using a gradation of two colors. Moreover, what if you want the background color to change automatically along with the cell value's changes? For example, if your selected cells don't contain matching data and you select Duplicate , the live preview will not work. Color scales are visual guides which help you understand data distribution and variation. Please have a look at this article — How to change the row color based on a cell's value.

Select areas that need to improve. Please leave your suggestions below. There are different ways for doing this task.

Note: You can enter cell references in a formula by selecting cells directly on a worksheet or other worksheets. To others, just read the above and view the images provided by the author and everything will work perfectly. Click the cell that has the conditional formatting that you want to copy. Most Active Hubs Microsoft Steve Scott I am a huge fan of Microsoft Excel and love sharing my knowledge through articles and tutorials. Easy to follow. Is it something achievable? To scope by selection: Click Selected cells. Follow Us. Now if you follow the above steps as you did for Green color, you will see that even if the cell value is 6, it is still showing blue color and not green. The order in which conditional formatting rules are evaluated - their precedence - also reflects their relative importance: the higher a rule is on the list of conditional formatting rules, the more important it is.

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