Como hacer un pattern en illustrator

This tutorial is a continuation of our stretch dress pattern making series, focusing on drafting a chic and modern cup sleeve.

The magic begins by slicing the sleeve block into three distinct parts. By using the pathfinder tool, we remove the lower sleeve segment to set the stage for our lantern sleeve. The transformation continues as we slash and spread the upper sleeve into six even sections. This method is replicated on the middle sleeve panel to introduce the characteristic lantern sleeve puff. The drama of the sleeve unfolds based on how far you choose to spread these panels. Your lantern sleeve can be as subtle or as bold as you wish, offering a custom look every time. With the pen tool, we redraw the upper and middle sleeve panels, adding precision to the flare.

Como hacer un pattern en illustrator


Simply create a profile, input your measurements, and utilise this profile to design a range of basic block styles.


Veamos como se usa haciendo un ejemplo sencillo. En el valor " Mover - Horizontal ", indicamos el mismo valor que quremos que tenga de ancho la loseta final del motivo —en este caso, " px ". Ahora lo que hacemos es dar un valor " Mover - Vertical " de " px " para que se coloquen las copias en las esquinas inferiores. Nos da lo mismo y aplicamos el nuevo efecto. Ahora le aplicamos color —no es que sea el momento obligado, sino que es cuando a mi me da por hacerlo—. No es imprescindible que mida lo mismo que el recuadro del motivo. Una vez terminado el motivo, dibujamos un recuadro que mida exactamente lo mismo que debe medir la loseta del motivo en este caso px. Le damos de color de relleno y de trazo " Ninguno ". Es muy conveniente que su esquina superior izquierda coincida con la mesa de trabajo o punto de coordenadas " 0,0 ".

Como hacer un pattern en illustrator

Estamos hablando de tendencias y como en la moda, estas van cambiando. De hecho, nosotros en algunas de nuestras plantillas WordPress , como Vowels y Dessert los hemos usado con buenos resultados. Aunque hay patrones ya hechos y perfectamente adaptables a web. Creamos una mesa de trabajo de px x px. Dentro de esta mesa de trabajo, dibujamos un cuadrado de px x px. Si por el contrario el elemento toca uno solo de los lados del cuadrado, ha de repetirse solo en el sentido que ocupa, ya sea horizontal x o vertical y. Una vez hayamos completado el espacio de los bordes del cuadrado, ya podemos completar el interior del mismo. Para esto no hay que seguir ninguna regla.

Drawing base

Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. Bespoke Basic Blocks Craft a personalised basic block designed for your unique measurements Looking for a tailor-made stretch dress basic block for this project? Visit our partner site, DesignLab. We offer two types of basic blocks for your selection. Diana on October 18, at pm. Learn the fundamental techiques of pattern making with our Free comprehensive pattern making in Adobe Illustrator course. Start Drafting. David Tidball on September 9, at am. Then save, print from home, or share and sell your PDF sewing patterns online. New to pattern making in Adobe Illustrator? Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.


Pin It on Pinterest. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. Choose the one that best suits your needs! Looking for a tailor-made stretch dress basic block for this project? Bespoke Basic Blocks Craft a personalized basic block designed for your unique measurements Looking for a tailor-made basic block for this project? Name Alfonso on June 29, at am. Bespoke Basic Blocks Craft a personalised basic block designed for your unique measurements Looking for a tailor-made stretch dress basic block for this project? Diana on October 18, at pm. Explore the collection, select your preferred style and size, and download it to proceed with your project. New to pattern making in Adobe Illustrator? Pin It on Pinterest. Submit Comment.

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