Counter temo

If Teemo stands still and takes no actions for a short duration, counter temo, he becomes Invisible indefinitely. If he's in brush, Teemo can enter and maintain his Invisibility while moving.

No results found. Teemo Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Teemo.

Counter temo

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Avoid taking too much damage early, give up some of the 1st and 2nd minion waves if necessary, counter temo. Nasus Top New Sylas S13 lmao by refz Sylas Player.


Teemo is one of the most annoying champions to lane against in the Top Lane. With him being a ranged champion and the majority of Top Laners being melee, he has a small advantage from the get-go. In this Mobalytics guide, we will break down a few tips and tricks to help you counter Teemo in the Top Lane. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App. We have tens of thousands of different, highly specific matchups curated by our challenger level players to help you lane against the enemy champion.

Counter temo

No results found. Teemo Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Teemo. Worst Picks Against Teemo. Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Dshield is good in this lane.

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Farm under turret and look for tp to botside. Dont push the lane. If i had a bigger caps lock i would've used it. After level 6, the lane changes. Eeven if he lets you land a good R on him, it wont be so successfull as he will Q you, and your W will be cancelled. Gl hf, it's a snowbally match up that can go both ways. Explanations in the champion's Guide Chapter. If he's smart he'll save his blind for your E. Laning against him will never be fun though. Vel'Koz Support. This matchup is not difficult, but incredibly annoying. And his pathetic little blowgun. Give up prio until you have hexdrinker built since this is where Teemo will have the advantage. Your W is especially deadly to him, as he can't reasonably outrun you. But as you get level 6 you should be able to fight him.

Updated on December 8, a.

If the Teemo sucks, you'll be able to completely run over them. Don't forget to take sweeping lens and follow in the wake of minions to avoid shrooms. Gangplank Top. Dont push the lane. Be really aggressive level 1 if he starts E. Try to full combo him. While early levels may be difficult, You can do many cool things with Gwen's W here. I recommend taking sorc boots over ionian, just so you can one shot him easier. Laning against him will never be fun though. He will poke you out, and if you engage him he will blind you and use his movespeed to run away. Don't go for 3aa w q earlygame tho, you know why. He blinds, poisons and outspeeds anything he comes anywhere near.

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