dank memes

Dank memes

The exact origin of the phrase " dank memes " is unknown. On May 26th,dank memes, YouTuber fennthulhu uploaded a parody video titled "How 2 make dank memes! On December 20th, YouTuber Ethan Holey uploaded a video in which he recommends using "dank memes" as a replacement for the terms aap sexy "cool" or "bodacious. On October 24th,YouTuber Juston Bibero dank memes a montage parody video titled '' 9gag ger can't handle the dank memes,'' which gathered upwards of 52, dank memes, views and comments in the first two months shown below.

Dank meme refers to viral internet content that, due to overuse or passing trends, has lost its value or currency. It can also refer to exceptionally unique or odd memes. The phrase dank meme first emerged in on message boards within 4chan and Reddit that were dedicated to making parodies of existing memes and mocking meme culture. Calling something a dank meme thus suggests a broader critique of the meteoric rise and fall of viral content. In May , an Australian journalist drily defined dank meme on a broadcast, much to the meta-delight of many internet users. The dank in dank meme is an ironic use of the slang term dank. Dank meme stash , as we saw, additionally alludes to the marijuana sense of dank.

Dank memes


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It is here that dank memes are born. The subreddit only allows original content memes that follow the sub's rules, meaning that people posting there must have met the required karma threshold and standards before being able to share their dank memes. And from there, only the dankest, funniest and most creative memes end up receiving enough upvotes to become a successful meme. With nearly 6 million members it is no surprise that there is a never-ending supply of dank memes. But not to worry, we have saved you the job of sorting through them all by sharing the most popular ones from this month below! Source: Reddit.

Dank memes

Dank memes are the place where humor meets…well, dankness. Only the dankest of the dank make it through the hallowed halls of this online community. If you're not sure what "dank" means, then you're not alone. According to the Urban Dictionary, "dank" is "an expression frequently used by stoners and hippies for something of high quality. So, what makes a meme "dank? But not just any old joke will do. It has to be edgy , offensive, and downright bizarre.

Millennium dawn

You must login or signup first! Memes that are more than dank. This is not meant to be a formal definition of dank meme like most terms we define on Dictionary. Coaxed Into a Snafu. Redefine your inbox with Dictionary. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. Bobbi Althoff Leaked Video. Hip Hop dance tutorial fail-meme Dank Memes Uploaded by amemer. Stank Memes. What does dank meme mean?

This subreddit is often at the forefront of internet culture, showcasing many memes that resonate with the internet-savvy generation.

Related words slappy , We Are Number One , the struggle is real , meta , lel. They are the dankest of the dankest. Know Your Meme Like Page 1. On September 5th, , the "Spicy Memes" Facebook page was created. Dank meme refers to viral internet content that, due to overuse or passing trends, has lost its value or currency. View All Related Entries. Who uses dank meme? Nice Meme. Dank Memes Uploaded by Captain moon. View All Videos. You must login or signup first! Dank Memes Uploaded by Bilbo Swaggins.

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