Dmz observatory car crash site
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 is in full swing, meaning players have had time to start finishing the DMZ missions before the season ends. Some are simple and direct, dmz observatory car crash site, having players kill a certain number of dmz observatory car crash site with a specific weapon, but others are anything but. The mission that seems to be giving many players headaches is the Break Check mission. The Break Check mission requires players to find and extract a hard drive from a car crash site near Zaya observatory, and then deposit it at the Waterways Dead Drop Dumpster on Ashika Island.
Season 02 introduced several more missions to DMZ. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Warzone 2 guides and features hub. More specifically, the car crash site is located to the south of the observatory on the dirt road that leads toward the highway. You are looking for an Ashika Security hard drive, which can be found somewhere close to the crashed car. The location of this hard drive is somewhat random, but it will always spawn within a close radius of the car.
Dmz observatory car crash site
These factions have AI combatants placed around the maps, and each faction has five tiers of missions that you can complete. One of the objectives requires you to visit the Zaya Observatory POI on the Al Mazrah map, and collect a hard drive from a car crash site. It is tough to infiltrate this location, which is why you need to know exactly where to find the crash site near Zaya Observatory. The car crash site is located on the Al Mazrah map, and this is where the Break Check mission starts. Make sure to select the specific mission from the faction missions section before queuing into the match. Check the yellow circle on the map image above to see the exact location of the crash site. We recommend approaching from the south of this POI and using the zip lines to get up the cliff. You can avoid fighting with AI combatants here entirely by approaching the crash site from the south. Other operators are going to visit this location as well to collect the hard drive and complete the mission. We highly recommend visiting the car crash site location as soon as you spawn on the Al Mazrah map. Use a vehicle to quickly reach the spot and get the hard drive before others can. Once you have secured the Ashika Island Security Hard Drive from the crash site, head straight for extraction.
Screengrab via Activision Remix by Dipanjan.
Are you struggling to find and extract the hard drive near the crash site in DMZ? This primer contains step-by-step instructions on how to find and extract the hard drive near the crash site in DMZ. Click to enlarge. The crash site in question is at Zaya Observatory in Al Mazrah. At the south-most end of Zaya Observatory, near the E6 coordinates, there is a winding dirt road leading up to the observatory. On the side of the road, you will find a burning car flipped upside down, indicating that you have arrived at the crash site.
Call of Duty Warzone 2 is the new sequel to the insanely popular Warzone game originally released by Activision. The game is in the popular battle royale style, where players must outlast each other and be the sole survivor or squad standing to win. Make sure to use your environment as an advantage and take out your enemies with extreme prejudice! With the newest update to COD DMZ, there are several new missions that gamers can attempt to complete alongside the existing achievements. Some of these require multiple steps, or are hard to do which can cause some players to get frustrated. However, completing the missions is helpful to your progress in the game. To find this difficult spot in Al Mazrah, players will need to follow a couple of steps in order to reach their objective. Without further ado, here is how you can find the crash site and begin completing this mission posthaste. Also, feel free to visit Gamer Journalist on Facebook to see the latest content on all of the videogames that you know and love to play!
Dmz observatory car crash site
The mission requires you to navigate to and investigate a car crash site, locate a hard drive from the site, and extract it from the DMZ. The Break Check mission is divided into the following three tasks:. On the southern edge of Mt. Zaya see map image , you'll find a car crash site. Approach the car shown in the second image and a hard drive icon will appear on your screen. After extracting from Al Mazrah, the hard drive will be available in your backpack.
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The observatory is already somewhat of a PvP hotspot so adding in an area-specific quest is only going to amplify that. We recommend approaching from the south of this POI and using the zip lines to get up the cliff. Scott Duwe Scott Duwe Mar 8, Use a vehicle to quickly reach the spot and get the hard drive before others can. Only one of these hard drives spawns each match of DMZ , so if you're not the first player to visit the crash site, it might not be there. Coming from the other direction is incredibly difficult, as Zaya Observatory tends to have a large enemy presence. This primer contains step-by-step instructions on how to find and extract the hard drive near the crash site in DMZ. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 is in full swing, meaning players have had time to start finishing the DMZ missions before the season ends. If this is the case, you must either find and eliminate the player that holds the hard drive or boot up a fresh instance of Al Mazrah and try again. Make sure to select the specific mission from the faction missions section before queuing into the match.
These missions are critical to unlocking objectives and giving you access to experience points and contraband items.
Call of Duty League Major 2 qualifiers: Schedule, results, more. With that, follow the instructions outlined in this guide carefully to find and extract the hard drive near the crash site in DMZ and impress the White Lotus. With the hard drive secured, make your way toward an exfil point and call in a helicopter. Related Content. This primer contains step-by-step instructions on how to find and extract the hard drive near the crash site in DMZ. Make sure to select the specific mission from the faction missions section before queuing into the match. Screengrab via Activision Remix by Dipanjan. Season 02 introduced several more missions to DMZ. Underneath the blistering automobile sits an Ashika security hard drive. This guide will show players just where the crashed vehicle is, so players can keep on their mission grind with minimal fuss. The last step is to get to your closest extract spot and take the helicopter once it arrives. Kurt Perry. Dipanjan has been covering stories and writing about video games for the past five years.
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