Dorics quest
Doric's Quest was a quest mainly featuring Doric. This quest was replaced by What's Mine is Yours. Doric the dwarf is happy to let you use his anvils, dorics quest, but first he would like you to run an errand for him.
Doric would happily let you use the anvil in his house, but first he wants you to run some errands for him. For ironman accounts and players who want to do the quest as it was intended, we of course mention the locations of all the materials. For the quick version of this guide, purchase all of these from the Grand Exchange before starting the quest. Use the Quest Helper Plugin for Runelite. If you want to install it, you can install the Quest Helper directly from your Plugin Hub on Runelite.
Dorics quest
Talk to Doric , north of Falador and east of Taverley. He will ask you to get him 6 clay , 4 copper ore , and 2 iron ore before you may use his anvils. Head to the Dwarven Mines and mine 6 clay , 4 copper ore and 2 iron ore there, if you didn't already have them. Iron rocks , copper rocks , and clay rocks are all just a short walk away from the ladder when you enter. Note that if you wander off in the mine, you'll encounter aggressive scorpions lvl and King Scorpions lvl that will be tough for low-level players to defeat. Return to Doric when you have got all of the ore and you will receive your reward. RuneScape Classic Wiki Explore. RSC Content. World Map. Wiki Forum Policies Report Vandalism. Recent Changes. Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account? Current Wiki. Start a Wiki.
The rewards for this quest are one quest point, 1, mining experience a dorics quest help for low level minersthe ability to use Doric's anvils and whetstone, and GP. There are a total of 36 achievements, nine for each boss, dorics quest.
Description: Doric the dwarf is happy to let you use his anvils but first he would like you to run an errand for him. Starting Point: The small house north of Falador with anvils inside. Once inside, talk with Doric. Doric will tell you he needs some materials for his amulets. He wants you to get him 6 lumps of clay, 4 copper ores, and 2 iron ores.
Talk to Doric , north of Falador and east of Taverley. He will ask you to get him 6 clay , 4 copper ore , and 2 iron ore before you may use his anvils. Head to the Dwarven Mines and mine 6 clay , 4 copper ore and 2 iron ore there, if you didn't already have them. Iron rocks , copper rocks , and clay rocks are all just a short walk away from the ladder when you enter. Note that if you wander off in the mine, you'll encounter aggressive scorpions lvl and King Scorpions lvl that will be tough for low-level players to defeat. Return to Doric when you have got all of the ore and you will receive your reward. RuneScape Classic Wiki Explore. RSC Content.
Dorics quest
Doric would happily let you use the anvil in his house, but first he wants you to run some errands for him. For ironman accounts and players who want to do the quest as it was intended, we of course mention the locations of all the materials. For the quick version of this guide, purchase all of these from the Grand Exchange before starting the quest. Use the Quest Helper Plugin for Runelite.
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Reading room forum Community portal Bulletin Board Help out! To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums. If you already have the required items you can talk to him again, he will thank you, allow you to use his anvils any time and the quest will complete immediately. Return to Doric and give him the ores, he will appreciate it very much. Item Requirements. Unknown edit. Enter a little hut with anvils. Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable. Skip to content.
If anything is incorrect or missing, or if you have any new information to submit to this database, please submit it to us on our Content Submissions Forums.
This method worked as of last fall and should still work, barring a Jagex update. Doric gives you a bronze pickaxe at the start of the quest, whether you intend to mine or not. First off go talk to Doric who is located in the tiny hut North-West of Falador, and he will tell you that to use his anvils he wants 6 Clay , 4 Copper ore , and 2 Iron ore. Skills Calculators Skill training guides. For a "safe" area to obtain all of these ores, you can also travel to the mine at Rimmington , directly south of Falador. Can you use Doric's anvil? By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Speak to Doric twice, with ores in inventory. Namespaces Book Discussion. Please don't contact us with these types of issues. Don't have an account? Skill Requirements. Home Random Terms of Use.
Bravo, you were not mistaken :)
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