Fallout 4 hidden locations

The Fallout franchise has produced several of the most popular RPGs in video game history, including the smash hit, Fallout 4. Set in a post-apocalyptic version of Boston referred to as the Commonwealth, Fallout 4 's map is incredibly dense and contains a wide array of secrets and Easter eggs that are hidden throughout its confines, fallout 4 hidden locations. Although Fallout 4 is nearly a decade old, exploring its map feels like a fresh experience for even the most veteran Sole Survivors. While fans fallout 4 hidden locations wait for the confirmation of a potential sequel, there are still plenty of irradiated sights to see throughout the Commonwealth.

Between its Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchises, Bethesda has become a gamer favorite for expansive, open worlds that feel filled to the brim. Not only are Bethesda's games chock full of exciting missions that are both light-hearted and serious, but they also have endless clever and impressive details. After all, who doesn't love finding a visual representation of Poe's ending to A Casque of Amontillado hidden in the walls of The Castle? These kinds of details are well done, clever, and keep fans wanting more. Bethesda's most recent Fallout hit was Fallout 4 , which was their largest game to date ignoring Fallout 76 , a critical flop. In Fallout 4 , fans play as the Sole Survivor, a pre-war human who ends up searching for their son in a wasteland version of Boston.

Fallout 4 hidden locations

Hidden references to other pieces of fiction, quirky rooms, and even spots that have unique game mechanics. While there are literally dozens and dozens of these kinds of areas in the massive world of Fallout 4 , the ones on this list are either the most interesting or the least known among fans. Updated December 20, by Jake Fillery : Fallout 4 remains a fan favorite Bethesda game thanks to its updated gameplay and gunplay, which were featured rather heavily in the recent Bethesda title of Starfield. However, unlike Starfield, the content and areas in Fallout 4 are not procedurally generated, leaving room for plenty of hidden areas in Fallout 4 worth exploring. Although, it's probably a good idea to bring a gun, as the wasteland isn't so forgiving, especially with the abundance of deathclaws and feral ghouls. When the Sole Survivor takes the plunge and enters the waters of the Boston Harbor, they may just find a malfunctioning Chinese submarine, holding on board the ghoul crew of Captain Zao. Players can explore this strange relic of the pre-war, and it really is their only evidence of life outside of America in the Fallout universe, as both the vessel and the people inside are from China, causing tension between the Sole Survivor, a pre-war American, and Zao, a ghoul from China, also pre-war. The submarine is worth exploring for its history, but if valued lessons are not to the interest of players, then they can still explore the vessel and complete its quests to obtain some unique rewards, like Zao's sword, and the submariner outfit worn by Zao. It all depends on how they want their diplomatic relations to go with Zao in a post-war world. Once home to an eccentric billionaire who built himself a mansion on the private island, Spectacle Island is located off the coast of Boston near Warwick homestead. The island is one of the sites in Fallout 4 that can be claimed as a settlement, but players will have to put some work into it as it's relatively well hidden and harder to access. To unlock the settlement and claim their loot, players will have to make their way through highly irradiated water which can kill the player , and then beat a Mirelurk queen and Mirelurk hunters in an intense battle. Handy Eats is about as close as Fallout 4 gets to a classic American diner, with a twist of course. Located in the General Atomics Galleria, the unmarked Handy Eats is a diner where the staff is made up entirely of robots and the customers are old skeletons. The most notable part of this diner is definitely the robot waiters and cook, but players will also be able to get the fishing tournament ad loot.

While many of Fallout 4 's secrets are related to other games in the franchise, some are simply light-hearted allusions to real-world events and locations.

There are enough hidden nods and Easter eggs in the Fallout universe to keep fans searching for years. In fact, in the nearly four years since Fallout 4 was released, players have dedicated endless hours to hunting down the Fallout 4 secrets. While keen-eyed fans have managed to uncover dozens of hidden gems , very few have managed to track all of them down. There is even one secret that reportedly has never been found. The minute details scattered throughout the Commonwealth are often difficult to find—concealed on top of buildings, buried beneath sink holes, or subtly tossed into a crowded city. Though not an exhaustive list of Fallout 4 secrets, here are some of the best references and hidden loot.

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Fallout 4 hidden locations

Hidden references to other pieces of fiction, quirky rooms, and even spots that have unique game mechanics. While there are literally dozens and dozens of these kinds of areas in the massive world of Fallout 4 , the ones on this list are either the most interesting or the least known among fans. Updated December 20, by Jake Fillery : Fallout 4 remains a fan favorite Bethesda game thanks to its updated gameplay and gunplay, which were featured rather heavily in the recent Bethesda title of Starfield. However, unlike Starfield, the content and areas in Fallout 4 are not procedurally generated, leaving room for plenty of hidden areas in Fallout 4 worth exploring. Although, it's probably a good idea to bring a gun, as the wasteland isn't so forgiving, especially with the abundance of deathclaws and feral ghouls. When the Sole Survivor takes the plunge and enters the waters of the Boston Harbor, they may just find a malfunctioning Chinese submarine, holding on board the ghoul crew of Captain Zao. Players can explore this strange relic of the pre-war, and it really is their only evidence of life outside of America in the Fallout universe, as both the vessel and the people inside are from China, causing tension between the Sole Survivor, a pre-war American, and Zao, a ghoul from China, also pre-war.

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Well, some Jigsaw-loving raider or monster in the Commonwealth wants to play a dangerous game with you in this next hidden Fallout 4 location. If players know anything about Cheers , then they will realize that this bar is an exact replica of Sam's. The Fens is a particularly interesting part of Fallout 4 as it houses the game's first big settlement, Diamond City. Perhaps a strong, artistic wanderer is building them all over post-apocalyptic America. Via: Fallout Wiki - Wikia. The Old Gullet Sinkhole is technically a marked location on the map, but it's a difficult spot to find. The Prost Bar is part of several missions including one about a woman in danger and another involving another woman that's gone missing. But, few cultural references hidden throughout Fallout 4 are as on the nose as Carhenge. This location has no purpose beyond being clever and fun. Who was this master of the robots? Northeast of Relay tower OBB you can find a simple shed perched at the edge of a cliff. Handys in the vicinity will start attacking. By far one of the most famous hidden locations in Fallout 4 is Carhenge.

There are enough hidden nods and Easter eggs in the Fallout universe to keep fans searching for years. In fact, in the nearly four years since Fallout 4 was released, players have dedicated endless hours to hunting down the Fallout 4 secrets. While keen-eyed fans have managed to uncover dozens of hidden gems , very few have managed to track all of them down.

The first inclusion of a downed alien ship appeared in the original Fallout game. Up Next: Carhenge Previous. This beloved film follows the crew of the Nostromo on their journey into deep space. While Diamond City becomes the Sole Survivor's first real home away from home, the area surrounding it can be less than friendly. One such plant, Nirnroot, makes a brief appearance in Fallout 4, as well. Well, consider this your warning. When the Sole Survivor takes the plunge and enters the waters of the Boston Harbor, they may just find a malfunctioning Chinese submarine, holding on board the ghoul crew of Captain Zao. The Sutton County Charter School is one of the hidden locations in Fallout 4 that has a particularly morbid history. The Museum of Witchcraft ramps up the scare factor within the game by a Just outside of Oberland Station lies a shipwreck, and inside a nearby boat, a skeleton can be found next to a mutated dolphin. When the Galleria was originally going to open, The Director the lead Mr. Hidden references to other pieces of fiction, quirky rooms, and even spots that have unique game mechanics. There are enough hidden nods and Easter eggs in the Fallout universe to keep fans searching for years. Carhenge can be found directly south of Walden Pond. Even more amusing is that a super mutant behemoth lives in it as if alluding to the supposed supernatural rumors regarding the real Stonehenge.

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