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In this study environment and behavior studies with an ecological approach conducted in Turkey and other parts of the world were examined in terms of their research subjects and techniques. The results showed that the research subjects dealt with in these studies have a rich variety, and the techniques are also various and flexible. Also it was determined that studies adopted ecological approach enables both gathering numeric data and commenting on social and cultural dimensions at the same time. Tam Metin. Compatible quality of social media content: conceptualization, measurement, and affordances. International Journal of Information Management, 37 6 , — Albayrak, G.
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An apparent price difference observed between the raw and processed peanuts points to the significance of the technological input in the economical evaluation of this product. In order to use harvested peanuts in the forms of seed, oil and simple eating, it is necessary that it be shelled. This necessity is fullfilled most rapidly through shelling machinery. Inferences on peanut shelling machinery have been reviewed and this literature survey has shown that no machinery, realizing shelling by applying bending moments at ends are existent. In this study, the basic aim has been to find a machine which is capable of shelling the classified and cleaned peanuts by means of a new method. To serve the purpose of the study, bending experimnts have been carried out with the most frequently encountered medium-size peanut samples out of Anamur, Antalya, Osmaniye, Silifke types, which are contained in Turkish Standarts No: TS and their fracture behaviours have been observed, determining at the same time some important physical and mechanical properties. Feeder consists of a number of pipes welded together to from a plane and of a box dirven by a cam mechanism. The task of the feeder is to channel peanuts along their long axes to the sheller through the pipes. Sheller, on the other hand, has two parallel plates on which round bars have been placed according to a certain model. One of the plates is fixed while the other is moved by a Blidor-crank mechanism. In order to determine cam profile, peanut motion on the69 accelerated slope has been analyzed. Required spring of the cam mechanism has been designed and the power requirement of the feeder drive has been calculated. The crank revolution has been detremined by investigating the motion of the peanuts, discharged out of the pipes, on the. The power of the motor needed to drive the crank was computed with the knowledge of the crank revolution.
Wernke, S.
This study, it is aimed to examine the textbooks used in science lessons in secondary schools in the academic year in terms of measurement and evaluation. In the research, 5th- 8th grade science textbooks were examined within the scope of knowledge and cognitive process dimensions of the revised Bloom's taxonomy with measurement and evaluation techniques. Document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The nine science textbooks examined are the ones used in schools approved by the Ministry of National Education. In the analysis of the documents, the end-of-unit evaluation questions in the textbooks and the questions in the unit were classified in terms of measurement and evaluation techniques and the renewed Bloom taxonomy. According to the findings obtained in the research, traditional measurement and evaluation techniques are given more place in science textbooks. The questions in the science textbooks are at higher remembering and understanding levels than the revised Bloom taxonomy cognitive process dimension. In the knowledge dimension, the questions are mostly factual and conceptual knowledge types. Alternative assessment and evaluation techniques have been included in science textbooks to a lesser extent and in a limited variety. It was determined that the number of multiple-choice questions in the books increased as the grade level increased.
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The aim of this study is, analyzing the according to the determined problems the articles published in the Journal of Science Teaching, which is scanned by TR Index, published within the Science Education and Research Association. The Journal of Science Teaching published its first issue in June In the ongoing process, a number was issued in June and December of each year. There are a total of 81 articles published in 16 issues up to the present. In the study, document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The data were analyzed by content analysis method. As a result of the examinations, it was determined that in the articles, qualitative research methods were the most used. The majority of the articles in the journal were written by 2 authors. It was determined that, made regarding the sample groups show that the candidate teachers and elementary students are determined as the sample the most.
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Scott, M. London: Routledge. For this reason, it is recommended to integrate courses and course contents that cover SSIs into the teacher education programs, so that PSTs will acquire the necessary intellectual skills. What are to be improved concering the system, are that peanut feed rate is low and that relevant classification is to be dene with care before the entrance of the peanuts into the system. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 38, — Cordovil, R. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 18, Bernasco, W. Learning environments. Procedia Engineering, , 17— The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterolog Serum selenium concentrations in cirrhotic children.
Of these children, 27 were assigned to experimental group-1, 27 to experimental group-2, and 26 to the control group. Remember me on this computer. Ecological theory and methods for research in special education. A practical guide to behavioral research; tools and techniques. Using behavior setting theory to define natural settings: A family-centered approach. Behavior settings; a revision and extension of Roger G. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Cross-sectional descriptive research method is used in the study. Considering the drawings in which the number of students can be determined in particular, the average number of students in classroom was calculated as Hart, T. A relational model of perceived restorativeness: Intertwined effects of obligations, familiarity, security and parental supervision. HiGame: improving elderly well-being through horticultural interaction. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 27,
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