

Flectra is the next generation business information system helps you grow your businesswith powerful modular design covering all essential aspects of a business. Take control and transform your business with the flectra of Flectra Business, flectra. Protect your critical business data from unauthorized access and use, flectra.

Flectra is a fork of Odoo Community, and one of its initial goals was apparently to copy many features from Odoo Enterprise. In the early months of its existence, significant cases of copyright infringements of Odoo Enterprise were detected in the copied features inside Flectra. Its authors have a history of repeatedly copying and obfuscating proprietary code. At Odoo, we solve dozens of reported infringements per year by just talking to the developers usually to defend community modules authors. But after several attempts to solve the issue with Tech Receptives, the Flectra developers continued to infringe copyright and licenses. Our ultimate recourse was to initiate a legal action unfortunately ; the first one in the history of Odoo.



Due to the number of systematically copied features from Odoo Enterprise, demonstrated with the ample evidence mentioned flectra, the way they proceeded with single-commit feature introduction no code history visible anywhere for those featuresthe way they rewrote the history of their repository multiple times to hide past evidence, and the systematic renaming and obfuscation of the code, flectra, it seems undeniable that Flectra Receptives was knowingly infringing the copyright flectra Odoo S.


Flectra is the next generation business information system helps you grow your business , with powerful modular design covering all essential aspects of a business. Take control and transform your business with the help of Flectra Business. Protect your critical business data from unauthorized access and use. We guarantee that your business data is safe, secure and private. If you need any help, we are here for you. Our support team will be happy to assist you whenever you need.


Thank you for the comment, but my post was related to Flectra Installation. It did not relate anything to do with Sap. I admire this article for the well-researched content and excellent wording. I am impressed with your work and skill. Thank you so much. Post a Comment. Flectra focusing on grow your business with powerful modular design. April 10,

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It contains several parts clearly copied from the Odoo Studio source code, infringing the license and copyright of Odoo. But after several attempts to solve the issue with Tech Receptives, the Flectra developers continued to infringe copyright and licenses. Finally, and despite the incredible waste of time, energy and money incurred due to this copyright infringement case, it was a key achievement for Odoo SA that the Commercial Court of Ahmedabad helped us put a stop to these infringing activities. This module has many aspects in terms of structure, file names, contents, comments and code blocks that bear a striking resemblance with the "Live Currency Exchange Rate" module of Odoo Enterprise, indicating that it was developed based on the Enterprise module:. Once again, this module contains code that seems to indicate that it was developed based on the code from Odoo Enterprise. Live Chat. Comments, variables, structure, and entire blocks are visibly copied :. It has however been made quite clear to him at every possible occasion that Odoo is suing Tech Receptives because they have developed the Flectra features using the code of Odoo Enterprise, as shown by all the collected evidence above. Safe Business Data Protect your critical business data from unauthorized access and use. Take control and transform your business with the help of Flectra Business. It is visibly a mirror copy of the features and UI of Odoo Studio. He links to third-party modules that implement features similar to Odoo Enterprise features.


A reply from Tech Receptives will come on see below. Court hearing: Tech Receptives' counsel says they are agreeable to all settlement terms except the damages, and request that Odoo SA commits to supporting Tech Receptives' Odoo Enterprise customers. Safe Business Data Protect your critical business data from unauthorized access and use. Website Builder. He links to third-party modules that implement features similar to Odoo Enterprise features. View All. The Flectra repository is deleted again, and a new one is uploaded. This could not have been a " small mistake " by some " intern ". Real, human support If you need any help, we are here for you. Surprisingly, Tech Receptives claims that they have found places where other people illegally publish. Tech Receptives CEO also repeats that Flectra made a mistake and will remove the infringing code and work "from scratch" on the features.

2 thoughts on “Flectra

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