Former nhl wallet found
Mercer said he recalls his father returning home from shopping in Hamilton one day in the early s.
Lorna Van Straaten, who runs Whistler's Re-Build-It Centre, said staff members found the wallet in a hidden drawer inside a cabinet that had been donated to the store in December. In the wallet were articles belonging to Donald Townsend of Burbank, Calif. Townsend was 38 when he lost the wallet and died in at the age of 91, but Van Straaten wanted to get the wallet back to his family. If someone was to lose their wallet today, it would be like someone finding it and returning it in the year , Van Straaten wrote in her blog. Not knowing how the cabinet ended up in Whistler, Van Straaten used her blog to spread word of the discovery. Within two days, a member of the family called her.
Former nhl wallet found
Brenden Mombourquette had already left Toronto and was well on his way back to his Bolton home when he realized his wallet was missing. The wallet, all the cash and everything else intact, was lying on his front porch in a courier envelope. Someone found it and sent it FedEx to his front door. My boss got me tickets. And I had no idea where I could have lost it. Mombourquette, who works in landscape construction, went home and ordered new bank cards right away. New ID was next on the to-do list, but before he started the process, his wallet was returned. The wallet was in there, with a note, and everything was in it. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings.
Join the Conversation. As evening approaches, Nowak heads home, taking the wallet with him. There was something under the old insulation: an old-fashioned black leather wallet with a frayed zipper.
Renovations have uncovered wallets hidden in the innards of a community centre in the U. One Arizona couple found an alligator purse — and a wedding album — in the ceiling of their new home. But such a find was the last thing on Stacey Bertin's mind when she was helping her husband, Philippe, with renovations at their Bathurst home of eight years. There was something under the old insulation: an old-fashioned black leather wallet with a frayed zipper. He passed the wallet down to his wife. There was no money inside — just "a lot of paperwork," she said.
Andrew Medley of Detroit said he was working on a storage unit at Eaton Centre in Toronto when he found a wallet in an air duct. We thought maybe it was a couple years old and we were just shocked at how well preserved everything was in there," Medley told CBC News. Medley was able to find the wallet's owner on Facebook and sent messages to the woman and her daughter, Vanessa Austin. Neither woman responded before Medley had to leave town, so he looked up Austin on LinkedIn and dropped the wallet off at her work. The wallet contained precious items including photographs, Austin's birth certificate and immigration paperwork from when the family arrived from El Salvador. Austin said she and her mother don't remember the wallet being lost, but they used to frequently visit Eaton Centre. Saban retired Jan. AJ knocked down the former UFC champ three times in two rounds. An expert weighs in on how you should be lathering up to keep your skin happy.
Former nhl wallet found
As a young child, Vanessa Austin used to spend many weekends strolling through one of Canada's busiest malls with her family. It was during one of those visits to Toronto's Eaton Centre four decades ago that her mother's wallet disappeared. No one in the family remembers much about the incident, but years' worth of memories came flooding back recently when a stranger from Detroit dropped off the intact pocketbook at Austin's office in Guelph, Ont. The wallet with a flower motif contained her mother's immigration documents, a photo of Austin as a pigtailed child and another one of her father, a bank card and a Toronto Public Library card. The Fergus, Ont. Austin said it turned out that a man named Andrew Medley had been doing some work at the Eaton Centre in January when he discovered the wallet wedged between a wall and ductwork. He used the information in the wallet to track down Austin and attempted to contact her via Facebook, but she didn't see his messages. Determined to deliver the wallet anyway, Medley figured out which company Austin worked for and drove to its offices in Guelph before heading back home to Detroit, she said.
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Related Stories P. But as the bus left town and the lights of New Haven became a distant glow in the rear-view mirror, Nowak was either too tired or too distracted to check his pockets. Murphy was fatally struck by a car while walking home from his parents' place in North Tetagouche. It was an inconvenience, sure. It was honest work, but not enough to support a family. Read Next. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. Authors and topics you follow will be added to your personal news feed in Following. Contents move to sidebar hide. Nowak played parts of five seasons in the NHL throughout the s, divided between Pittsburgh, Detroit and Boston, back when pro hockey was a much different game. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. It was the kind of menial work you give a teenager to keep them out of trouble. You can reach her at julia. It meant never having to worry about putting food on the table.
This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff. It meant never having to worry about putting food on the table. That's the way he would have been," he said, laughing. Join the Conversation. Every dollar meant a lot. In the wallet were articles belonging to Donald Townsend of Burbank, Calif. External Links Lorna Van Straaten's blog entry. Not all of the mistakes we make in life can be fixed, but maybe this one could. Or a hockey player. Left Wing. We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. She previously worked as a digital reporter focused on stories from southwestern New Brunswick. Alfy and Marjorie, they're both passed on. Their home burned to the ground. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site.
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