friscolanti funeral home

Friscolanti funeral home

Eva is now reunited with her husband Antonio. Maria is now forever reunited with her husband Carmine Bozzo. Loving mother to Sandro Bozzo Surrounded by her loving family at Orchard Terrace on February 15, friscolanti funeral home, at the age of

Think your friends might be familiar with this business? Ask your friends on Facebook to see what they think. Friscolanti Funeral Chapel. Phone Number. Open until pm. View all Add a photo. On January 5th, Mr.

Friscolanti funeral home


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It is with great sadness, that we announce the peaceful passing of Anna, surrounded by her loving family, at St. Joseph's Hospital on Friday, March 15, , in her 87th year. She is now reunited with her beloved husband, Antonio. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Marciano Urciuoli on March 12, in his 93rd year at the Dr. Bob Kemp Hospice. He was born in Taurasi, Italy on July 21, Loving husband of Francesca for 67 years

Friscolanti funeral home

The Friscolanti Funeral Chapel, situated in Hamilton, Ontario, provides a serene and respectful setting for those seeking solace during times of loss. Their mission is to honor the lives of the departed with compassion, dignity, and several personalized services. The facility evokes a warm atmosphere, balancing a sense of traditional reverence with a touch of modernity.

Nitrogen gas satisfactory

C, Italy. This expertise contributes to a meaningful funeral service that gives mourners a chance to say their last farewells. Last name. His gentle and playful manner made Friscolanti Funeral Chapel. On January 5th, Mr. To All the over 10, Families we have served, we thank you for allowing us to celebrate over 50 years of "Our Family Serving Your Family". Peter's Hospital on January 27, in her st year. NO YES. Nunziatina leaves a legacy of love to her On Friday, January 26, after celebrating her st birthday, our matriarch, queen, and angel-on-earth was called home to God and to the loving arms of her one true love, Salvatore Basso, Luigino It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Luigi on January 4, at the age of Carmella Moote Obituary. Directory Hamilton. Loving mother of Giulia Leonardo


Friscolanti Funeral Chapel 43 Barton St. Claim this funeral home. Peter's Hospital on January 27, in her st year. He made himself available 24 hours a day and as his reputation grew, so did the building at 43 Barton St. See more text. Predeceased by her husband John and infant son Joseph Anthony. View all Add a photo. Maria Antonia Le Donne Obituary. Rosa Crapsi "Nella" Obituary. Friscolanti Funeral Chapel. Eva Di Legge Obituary. Are you the owner of this business?

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