Garland of flowers in hawaii
Ostrzeżenie: Nie nadaje się dla dzieci poniżej 12 roku życia. Do użytku pod nadzorem osoby dorosłej.
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Garland of flowers in hawaii
Hawajski zestaw rekwizytów do fotobudki Luau, 36 szt. Podejście do klienta bardzo profesjonalne. Colorate, carine, utilizzate per un Party Hawaiano estivo!
The lei custom was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands by early Polynesian voyagers, who took an incredible journey from Tahiti, navigating by the stars in sailing canoes. With these early settlers, the lei tradition in Hawaii was born. Leis were constructed of flowers, leaves, shells, seeds, nuts, feathers, and even bone and teeth of various animals. In Hawaiian tradition, these garlands were worn by ancient Hawaiians to beautify themselves and distinguish themselves from others. The Maile lei was perhaps the most significant. Among other sacred uses, it was used to signify a peace agreement between opposing chiefs. In a Heiau temple , the chiefs would symbolically intertwine the green Maile vine, and its completion officially established peace between the two groups. With the advent of tourism in the islands, the lei quickly became the symbol of Hawaii to millions of visitors worldwide. It is said that departing visitors would throw their lei into the sea as the ship passed Diamond Head, in the hopes that, like the lei, they too would return to the islands again someday.
Garland of flowers in hawaii
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The Hawaiian lei stands as a symbol of affection, love, respect, and honor. In times of both joy and sorrow, traditions help us find a common language, grounding us with their inherent symbolism and shared understanding. In Hawaiian culture, the concept of 'ohana, or family, extends beyond blood relations to encompass the broader community.
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