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The kids are invited to Fenton Mewly's birthday party. Brendon has been asked to make a special film for the occasion, but has a hard time praising Fenton since he can't stand him. Brendon takes Cynthia to Jason's country club and pretends to be a member. The ruse is exposed when a waiter calls his bluff. Paula is suffering from test anxiety. McGuirk pretends to be a bodybuilder in order to get a date with a former schoolmate.

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Coach McGuirk has to get a second job to pay for damages resulting from a fight with the office coffeemaker. Meanwhile, Brendon gets invited to spend the weekend with Fenton, whom he didn't even know he was friends with. Brendon spends the weekend with his father and his father's girlfriend, Linda, who turns out to be a very unpleasant person. The big day is here: Brendon's dad is marrying his girlfriend. Nameservers jade. Countable Data Brief. Recently analyzed sites: flowerfactory. The school writing fair is one week away and Brendon is suffering a bad case of writer's block! Social Engagement Compare it to His lack of historical perspective is evident through his movies, which star the evil George Washington, the evil Picasso and the evil Annie Oakley.

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