Msnlatino en español
Here are some helpful websites where you can practice and review skills as well as learn more Spanish :.
July 14, MSN Mobile Latino launches as a response to recent studies showing that Hispanics adopt technology faster than their African-American and Caucasian counterparts do. Mobile technology and bilingual software solutions play a key role in keeping people up to date with information and connected with their culture and their roots. Hispanic market. Hispanic community. With localized versions available globally in 42 markets and 21 languages, MSN is a world leader in delivering Web services to consumers and online advertising opportunities to businesses worldwide.
Msnlatino en español
Background: Tobacco cessation among Latinos is a public health priority in the United States, particularly given the relatively high growth of this population segment. A lack of culturally specific advertising efforts may partly explain this disparity. Objective: Phase I of this study focused on the development of four Spanish-language online banner advertisements to promote a free Spanish-language smoking cessation website es. Phase II examined the relative effectiveness of the four banner ads in reaching and recruiting Latino smokers to the cessation website. Methods: In Phase I, Spanish-speaking Latino smokers completed an online survey to indicate their preference for Spanish-language banner ads that incorporated either the cultural value of family familismo or fatalism fatalismo. Ads included variations on message framing gain vs loss and depth of cultural targeting surface vs deep. Tracking software recorded ad clicks and registrants on the cessation website. Negative binomial regression and general linear modeling examined the main and interacting effects of message framing and depth of cultural targeting for four outcomes: number of clicks, click-through rate, number of registrants, and cost per registrant. Results: In Phase I, smokers preferred the four ads featuring familismo. In Phase II, 24,, impressions were placed, yielding 24, clicks, an overall click-through rate of 0. The message framing and cultural targeting interaction was not significant.
MSN Mobile Latino launches as a response to recent studies showing that Hispanics adopt technology faster than their African-American and Caucasian counterparts do.
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Msnlatino en español
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Microsoft and Oracle expand partnership to satisfy global demand for Oracle Database Azure. Search Our Site. Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native speaker. Mendoza, Colleen - Spanish. Classzone - There are practice activities, videos, audio recordings, and practice tests. Technology industry to combat deceptive use of AI in elections. Gaby y su primer dia de clases. Objective: Phase I of this study focused on the development of four Spanish-language online banner advertisements to promote a free Spanish-language smoking cessation website es. Study Spanish - This site has some free access and the option to pay for a subscription. It will help you prepare for everything we do in class. Select a School. RhinoSpike an online language learning community tool that lets users around the globe connect and exchange foreign language audio files. Sign In. A lack of culturally specific advertising efforts may partly explain this disparity.
Inicialmente lanzado el 24 de agosto de , para coincidir con el lanzamiento de Windows Los servicios proporcionados han cambiado significativamente desde su lanzamiento. El portal de internet MSN, msn.
Sign In. There are also practice activities so that you can check your understanding of a concept. Microsoft announces quarterly dividend. Mendoza, Colleen - Spanish. Gaby y su primer dia de clases. Hispanic community. Tracking software recorded ad clicks and registrants on the cessation website. Cuentos con Valores Short stories in Spanish. Cultural targeting and smoking-relevant images may be important factors for banner ad design. Online advertising holds potential for Web-based cessation program implementation and research. The free version explains grammar concepts that are covered in class. The message framing and cultural targeting interaction was not significant. With localized versions available globally in 42 markets and 21 languages, MSN is a world leader in delivering Web services to consumers and online advertising opportunities to businesses worldwide. The free version explains grammar concepts that are covered in class. Mobile technology and bilingual software solutions play a key role in keeping people up to date with information and connected with their culture and their roots.
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