Is boba fett on the dark side

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A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown. Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. Boba Fett was a renowned human male Mandalorian bounty hunter of Clan Fett whose career spanned decades , from the fall of the Galactic Republic to the end of the rule of the Galactic Empire and the era that followed where he ascensed as ruler of Mandalore.

Is boba fett on the dark side

I'll probably see VI in a little while. Seeing Boba Fett was pretty cool. Anyway, here's a rant on morality in Star Wars :. This fact is common to all Star Wars villains: that the creators do not explain why he's a bad guy. This means that all the Star Wars films are post -morality; the difference between good and evil is not a subject of argument, but an assumption that the entire story relies on. This is made clear in the opening crawl of the first Star Wars , where the Galactic Empire is specifically described as "evil. But how is wholesomeness connected to the morality of Star Wars? I would argue that it is the basis for the moral judgments that, in sharing them with the creators, allow us to root for the heroes. It is the terminal point of the chain of "why"s that starts with "Mommy, why is Darth Vader a bad guy? The mother tells her child, "because he hurts other people and himself". That health and harmony are preferable to destruction and discord is the proposed brute fact that Star Wars morality owes its existence to. Boba Fett is a good example of this proposition being illustrated during the films.

Desperate and uncertain, Vanda pulled a blaster and thermal detonator out on the pair, to which Fett instinctively raised his blaster and wrist gauntlet at both his fellow hunter and the Jedi.

One of the most shocking things in the Star Wars sequel trilogy was how Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker was depicted as he got older. Fans hoped for the ambitious, hopeful Luke from the '70s and '80s, but he was cynical, especially when he sensed darkness inside Ben Solo. Luke contemplated killing the boy, which led to their fracture, the eradication of the new Jedi Order and Ben becoming Kylo Ren. However, many felt if Luke didn't overreact and give in to the Dark Side briefly himself, all this would have been prevented. Come his return in The Book of Boba Fett , Luke proved he had that sinister edge to him way before his fallout with his nephew, and it was indeed rooted in Sith ideology. It drove their Rule of Two with apprentices killing masters to succeed. Unfortunately, Luke used the same precept when he offered Baby Yoda an ultimatum.

First appearing in the Star Wars Holiday Special , where he was voiced by Don Francks , he is an armored bounty hunter featured in both the original and prequel film trilogies. In the original trilogy, the character is a supporting antagonist and was mainly portrayed by Jeremy Bulloch and voiced by Jason Wingreen. Notable for his taciturn demeanor and for never removing his helmet, Fett appears in both The Empire Strikes Back , employed by the Galactic Empire , and Return of the Jedi , serving the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. While seemingly killed in Return of the Jedi after falling into a sarlacc , he has since appeared in Star Wars media set after the film, confirming his survival within the new canon, portrayed by Temuera Morrison. Daniel Logan plays a preteen Boba in the prequel film Attack of the Clones , which reveals the character's origins as the genetic clone and adoptive son of Jango Fett , also a famous bounty hunter. Morrison appeared first in Star Wars media playing Jango.

Is boba fett on the dark side

He has had so many titles over his lifetime: Alpha clone, bounty hunter, Mandalorian, a Sarlacc's lunch. But despite being introduced unceremoniously in a parade and the cringeworthy "Star Wars Holiday Special," then receiving only four lines of dialogue and a scream in the original trilogy, the antiheroic figure of Boba Fett has loomed large over the fandom of a galaxy far, far away with an almost cult-like following. The fandom of Fett most recently played by Temuera Morrison , not surprisingly, exploded even further following his reappearance on "The Mandalorian. With the galaxy's most famous bounty hunter finally getting his own series on Disney Plus — "The Book of Boba Fett" — love for the armored antihero continues to skyrocket higher than the deploying weapon strapped to his back. But with a history this long, there are many details about Fett and the creation of the character that even diehard fans may not know. Really savvy Fett fans may even be able to tell you his first appearance on screen ever was in an animated segment during the "Star Wars Holiday Special" that aired in on CBS. But none of those are actually the first time the public got to meet Boba Fett. Boba Fett's first public appearance was, bizarrely enough, on September 24, , at the San Anselmo County Fair parade. San Anselmo was the home of Lucasfilm at the time, and George Lucas felt like having the characters in the local parade was a great idea. Duwayne Dunham was the man in the armor, his day job was assistant film editor on both "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi," and he nearly fell down as Boba Fett descended his first public steps.

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Fett's code of honor and dedication to the mission at hand prevented him from finishing off the injured Imperial agent, and he stole a speeder from a man who previously believed Fett to be dead. Exhausted and suffering wounds from the encounter with the beast, Fett collapsed near the wreckage of the Khetanna. At the same time, Jabba won the auction and told his fellow Hutts to wrap Solo up for him so they could leave. Before he left, Kubariet asked if Fett would spare a few of his best commandos to act as a kind of new Cuy'val Dar to train planetary militias to fight the Yuuzhan Vong. During this period, he maintained a private residence on Taris. Later that night, Fett presented his new weapon to the rest of the Tusken clan and took part on the corresponding ritual celebrations around the campfire. En route to Geonosis , they realized that Kenobi had tracked them. Needing Solo alive for Jabba, Fett soon became concerned about Solo's life when he learned that Vader intended to freeze Solo in carbonite , as a test to determine whether Skywalker would be able survive the same process. In all black armor, Boba competed in the arena under the name of his father. When Boba Fett knelt down to examine one of the corpses, Tsumo grabbed a blaster from another dead Zylurian, trying to shoot Fett in the back. Ultimately, Fett's training helped Jaina bring down Caedus, though an Imperial nanovirus attack prevented Fett from ever returning to Mandalore. Later, Darth Vader hired Fett to capture an Imperial named Abal Karda and, more importantly, the box he would be found carrying.

There are two villains who have stood a cut above the rest in the "Star Wars" universe for decades now, albeit for wildly different reasons: Darth Vader and Boba Fett.

During their fight, Fett was temporarily blinded by the damage to his helmet, but was able to knock Cross down. His doctor, Beluine , confirmed it—Fett had only a few years at the most left to live due to clone degeneration. During this time, Boba repainted his armor, which was identical to Jango Fett's, into the green color scheme that he is most identified with, thus making it his own. Some time later, the bounty hunter was then found by Jawas who separated him from his armor, which Fett somewhat helplessly witnessed. Everyone thinks he's dead, Jabba actually is dead, so maybe the living death of his old life isn't forever. To remain inconspicuous during his stay on Taris, he stopped wearing his armor. He claimed that, like Fett, he was the best around, and offered Fett the chance to leave and receive three times the Guild's fee later, or a fight in which case Gabnit would kill all of the villagers. In the bloodshed that inevitably followed, D'harhan was killed. Fett and Djarin discussed their options, ruling out both energy and kinetic weapons due to the large collateral effect on Mos Espa. Solo once more thought that Fett was dead. News of his death was spread across the galaxy by Purton's spymaster, Teychenne.

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