jewish mumsnet

Jewish mumsnet

I'm a 29 yr old Jewish Orthodox religious mum of 2 little boys, jewish mumsnet. Is there anything you'd like to ask about Orthodox Jewish life?

Her research interests include gender, language and sexuality, digital interaction, online privacy and discourse analysis. She is currently using qualitative methods to explore the discursive construction of motherhood through digital interaction on the Mumsnet talk forum. In recent years, researchers working within the discipline of applied linguistics and beyond have discovered stimulating opportunities to study human interaction, rituals and behaviours online. Applied linguists working with data from the internet therefore have a responsibility to continually scrutinise and re-evaluate the ethics of their research methods in line with fast-moving technological developments. In the past decade, an increasing number of scholars have advocated a case-based, context-sensitive approach to the issue of privacy, ethics and internet research. But the mechanisms for applying such an approach are often not made explicit, leaving researchers unsure how to proceed ethically in increasingly complex and shifting research contexts. Using a study of the Mumsnet Talk forum as a case, I show how my self-reflexive and linguistic approach, which draws on established traditions in qualitative research, has helped me to understand what many users of this forum see as normal information flows within this setting.

Jewish mumsnet

Only those who have been a registered user of Mumsnet for at least 7 days can post in this topic. This board exists primarily for the use of Jewish Mumsnetters. Others are welcome to post but please be respectful. Yesterday Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Start a new thread. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. Advanced search Saved Active Unanswered threads. Customise Getting started FAQ's. Unanswered threads Acronyms Talk guidelines Hide shortcut buttons.

That is a reflection of real life. That might be.

We are funded by you. Donate to support our work. Mumsnet offers a rare forum for open discussion. No wonder intolerant activists want to shut it down. This is particularly true with Mumsnet.

MNHQ have commented on this thread. I was asked by Mumsnet to start a post here to request a Jewish Mumsnetter section. This request comes out of a thread where Jewish people were discussing ethnic and religious identities that was then co-opted by others refusing to provide space for those conversations. Thus illustrating the need for a distinct Jewish space on here. Of course, Jewish conversation and contribution is valuable across mumsnet, but a neat space for Jewish perspectives to be protected and valued is a great addition - just as Black, South Asian, Welsh, Irish and Scottish mumsnetters have and benefit from. We'll certainly give consideration to a Jewish Mumsnetters section if there is demand. You're quite welcome to start a thread in Site Stuff to ask if others feel the same. I hope this may serve as an opportunity for Mumsnet to build much needed bridges.

Jewish mumsnet

On the thread Israelilefty started, people were asking about Orthodox Judaism. So I am starting another one here. Other Orthodox Jewish women are welcome to answer too, so we have more of a range of answers. I am Chabad Chasidic, we are very religious - I wear a wig, my husband wears black and white and we have lots of books in hebrew in our house. What does a typical day in your household look like?

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The fact that many of my participants requested to have their usernames further anonymised for the purposes of my study supports this point. Copied to clipboard. I understand the fascination. These patterns can be identified by adopting the approach outlined in this paper, which can assist the researcher in making informed, sensitive, ethical judgements. Although I am a mother, I have never contributed to the Mumsnet Talk forum and became a member only after deciding to undertake this research. Gold, Raymond L. Mason, Jennifer. This means we keep dairy and meaty food utensils separate. She explains and justifies her agreement by negotiating my position as a sort of honorary member of the community, by virtue of these shared traits. Du Bois, John W.

Only those who have been a registered user of Mumsnet for at least 7 days can post in this topic. This board exists primarily for the use of Jewish Mumsnetters. Others are welcome to post but please be respectful.

My reflections on this topic led me to recognise what anonymity can mean to users of this forum, its value, some of the ways in which anonymity could be breached, and how such a breach might cause harm. The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Share this article. Otherwise we totally share beds. Kill my time whilst I'm waiting to be called in for an appointment. Watch thread Flip. We also have 2 sets of dishes, utensils and cutlery, one meaty and one dairy. In turn, such an approach can lead to insights about how harm may be caused through violation of these norms, and how such harm can be avoided. What is far more likely is that informational norms will always be subject to a degree of idiosyncratic variability. These patterns can be identified by adopting the approach outlined in this paper, which can assist the researcher in making informed, sensitive, ethical judgements. Do you also do this after having a baby? Markham, Annette. About us. Abstract In recent years, researchers working within the discipline of applied linguistics and beyond have discovered stimulating opportunities to study human interaction, rituals and behaviours online.

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