

All Telerik. Now enhanced with:.

The MultiSelect displays a list of values and allows the selection of multiple values from this list. This example demonstrates binding against objects for the source data and specifying the property to use for the value. The addChoice button also shows that the choices are kept in sync as the observableArray bound to the data receives new items. This example demonstrates the ability to configure options globally by setting properties in ko. This helps to simplify the markup for settings that can be used as a default for all instances of this widget. Description The MultiSelect displays a list of values and allows the selection of multiple values from this list.


Oct As we previously mentioned , the Kendo MultiSelect widget offers significant enhancements to a traditional dropdown menu and can be used to replace a long list of checkboxes. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the Kendo MultiSelect, show how it can be prepopulated with existing values, and how to dynamically populate it using cascading dropdowns. Like the rest of the posts in this series, we will be using ColdFusion on the server side, however, it should be easily understood if you use a different server-side language, and you should be able to follow along. A picture is worth a thousand words. In the following interfaces, we are prepopulating the form with the US states on the Pacific seaboard selected. As you can see here, with the Kendo MultiSelect the selected values are front and center allowing the user to quickly see what is selected without forcing them to scroll down a long list of items. The Kendo MultiSelect also has search functionality to allow the user to quickly select additional values. The Kendo MultiSelect is also much more elegant and it takes up less space on the screen. The Kendo MultiSelect's ability to put information front and center makes it a perfect tool to conceptualize related groups of information, however, in order to convey this we need to be able to dynamically populate this list. The traditional multi-select requires you to scroll way down to see Oregon and Washington that are selected, and you better make sure not to accidentally click on one of the items while scrolling or the selection will be gone! To remove all of the selected values in the Kendo MultiSelect, simply pass an empty array to the MultiSelect value method like so:. You can either use an array with comma-separated values or an array of structures for the value. This value must have the same value and datatype as the data element that is used to populate the dataValueField. If the value and the data type do not match a data element used to populate the dataValueField, the value will be ignored.

Kendomultiselect often populate the MultiSelect widget to allow the users to conceptualize related data with a predefined starting point.


All Telerik. Now enhanced with:. The Kendo UI for Angular MultiSelect is a form component that displays a list of options and allows for multiple selections from this list. The following example demonstrates the MultiSelect in action. To learn more about the appearance, anatomy, and accessibility of the MultiSelect, visit the Progress Design System documentation —an information portal offering rich component usage guidelines, descriptions of the available style variables, and globalization support details. Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. All Rights Reserved. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. UI for.


All Telerik. Now enhanced with:. The MultiSelect provides a built-in filtering mechanism and a filtering directive, and options for setting the minimum filter length. To enable the filtering functionality, set the filterable property to true. On every character input, the component triggers a filterChange event. The event argument contains the typed string value that you can use to filter the source. To filter the data after a delay, use a similar implementation.

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After using the Kendo DataSource's data method, we will create an empty countryIdList array to hold the list of values that we will later use in the MultiSelect's value method and loop through the data, which is a specialized JavaScript array. Launch Theme Builder. To try it out sign up for a free day trial. Desktop UI for. The populateCountry function below performs all of the necessary steps to extract the data from the countryDs data source and populates the country MultiSelect with values. Now enhanced with:. Material Theme. Telerik Document Processing. Download Free Trial. This value must have the same value and datatype as the data element that is used to populate the dataValueField. Description The jQuery MultiSelect allows you to display a multiple selection from a list of choices. However, when bound against an observable, these live options will update the widget or respond to updates from interactions with the widget.

All Telerik. Now enhanced with:.

This example demonstrates the ability to configure options globally by setting properties in ko. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Kendo UI for jQuery Dojo or ThemeBuilder. We will cover the fetch and read methods in future articles, but they don't apply here. If specified, will populate an observable with a reference to the actual widget. Once the id has been extracted, we will use the JavaScript push method to push the value into the new countryIdList array that we just created. The full code is provided at the end of this article. Server filtering —You can control the filtering functionality of the MultiSelect and filter the data on the server. You can either use an array with comma-separated values or an array of structures for the value. If the value and the data type do not match a data element used to populate the dataValueField, the value will be ignored. After using the Kendo DataSource's data method, we will create an empty countryIdList array to hold the list of values that we will later use in the MultiSelect's value method and loop through the data, which is a specialized JavaScript array.

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