Kents 12 observation ppt

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What to do? Medicine should be antidoted. Lesson:- In incurable cases and cases with organic changes go for low potency. Do not disturb the action of the dose. Lesson:- In the case of perfect similimum slight agg of the symptoms occurs in the 1st hrs after the remedy in an acute sickness or 1st few days in chronic case.

Kents 12 observation ppt

Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Homoeopathic Drug Proving. Homoeopathic Drug Proving RamJyothis. Susceptibility, potency selection and repetition of dose in homoeopathy. Susceptibility, potency selection and repetition of dose in homoeopathy Dr Ananthakrishnan V A. An approach to case taking in homoeopathy. An approach to case taking in homoeopathy homoeopathyenewsletter. Sturt Close. Sturt Close KrishnaKantSingh Homoeopathic General Pathology ppt. Homoeopathic General Pathology ppt chanikyasrr.

Harpeet Singh.

Symptoms always guide the physician in making observation. EXAMPLE:- Patient is suffering from chronic amoebic dysentery since 3 years after administration of medicine in second visit the patient explain sir after taking your medicine my condition was worse but before 1 day it started improving finally. EXAMPLE:- After administration of medicine for case of hemicrania in second visit the patient explained, after taking medication in the same day the intensity of my head pain was increased suddenly but after a few hours the pain is reducing in intensity and l am feeling better and better. This occurs due to homoeopathic aggravation of medicine. Chronic case- after few days.

Kent's 12 observations provide guidance on interpreting patient responses to homeopathic remedies. The summary outlines each observation, the potential inferences that can be drawn, recommended actions, and prognosis. Key lessons include only giving deep remedies for incurable cases, allowing time for remedies to take effect, considering preexisting conditions, and changing remedies if symptoms worsen or new ones emerge rather than improving. The document emphasizes careful case analysis and consideration of Hering's law of cure to ensure the correct simillimum is selected. Read less.

Kents 12 observation ppt

Not being conversant as to what may happen will result in wrong prescriptions. If the homoeopathic physician is not an accurate observer, his observation will be indefinite; and if his observations are indefinite, his prescribing is indefinite. It is to be understood that after a prescription is made, it has acted. If a medicine is acting, it starts immediately to affect changes in the patient, and these changes are indicated through signs and symptoms. If a prescription is not related to the case, waiting is loss of time, and that should be taken into account among the observations.

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Homoeopathic General Pathology ppt. II — Dr. Mood stabilizers Kavindya Fernando. Case is Curable. Aetiology causation and Diathesis — Dr. As a holistic physician — Dr. Dr Tim Wiyule Mutafya. Ambra grisea Homoeopathic materia medica slide show presentation by Dr. The Best Kind of amelioration is which comes gradually at the end of an hour or two hours. Let's Make A Change Today. Download Now Download to read offline. Aphorism case taking draiswaryams. Acta Astronautica: Albert A. The antipsoric was too deep,it has established destruction. Classification of diseases by hahnemann.

What to do?

Mansoor Ansari. On The Prevailing Fever — Dr. In chronic cases a more similar medicine to be selected. An approach to case taking in homoeopathy homoeopathyenewsletter. Pharmaco vigilance Chintan Doshi. Medicine of experience — Dr Henna ZA. REMARKS No aggravation with recovery of the patient Remedy and potency—exactly correct No organic disease or no tendency to organic disease The disease is not of great depth and belongs to the function of nerves Prognosis— in acute case good In chronic case --doubtful Not to disturb the action of the medicine Highest order of cure in acute affection Yet the physician sometimes will be more satisfied if in the beginning of his prescribing he notices a slight aggravation of symptoms. When old symptoms are observed to reappear. Smita Deb Krori Maity. Carousel Next.

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