Net movie review telugu

You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Ranveer Singh reveals he net movie review telugu secretly engaged to Deepika Padukone three years before marriage; here's what the actress hilariously called it. Here is what reports say.

You can update your channel preference from the Settings menu in the header menu. Here is our review of the web film. Priya Avika Gor and Ranjith Vishwadev Rachakonda are a young couple who live in a gated community complex. Their bedroom moments are being watched by Lakshman Rahul Ramakrishna , a subscriber to a spying website. He is a poor businessman who is spending money like water to satisfy his voyeuristic thirst. His wife Suchitra Praneeta Patnaik starts suspecting that her hubby is out of gear.

Net movie review telugu

Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna pays exorbitant subscription fees to live stream the private lives of young couple, played by Avika Gor and Vishwa through illegal spy cameras. What are the consequences for his malicious acts? The answer to this question forms the rest of the plot. The film has a good premise. The concept of watching the lives of others through illegal cameras that forms the core plot of the film sounds interesting. There is that unpredictability factor through the course of the film. Rahul drivers an top-tier performance in the complex role. Avika looks good on the screen and she comes up with a natural performance. The drama that is generated through the cyber crime and the way it affects the lives of others is organic. The ending is a tad convenient as well. The narrative is a bit slow-paced in the middle portion. Debut director Bhargav Macharla succeeds in extracting good performances from his lead cast. He handles the drama part well.

Priya Avika Gor and Ranjith Vishwadev Rachakonda are a young couple who live in a gated community complex. Life Style 8 reasons you should include more fibre in your diet. Follow telugu.

Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna is a small-towner, running a mobile retail store who seizes no opportunity to leer at any woman he comes across. His gaze is one of the residuals of his voyeuristic instincts. Instead, Laxman finds pleasure in watching moments of intimacy captured with secret cameras. Direction: Bhargav Macharla. But boy, the film has something else in store. As an individual too, he comes across more like a peeping tom, than a threat.

Laxman Rahul Ramakrishna pays exorbitant subscription fees to live stream the private lives of young couple, played by Avika Gor and Vishwa through illegal spy cameras. What are the consequences for his malicious acts? The answer to this question forms the rest of the plot. The film has a good premise. The concept of watching the lives of others through illegal cameras that forms the core plot of the film sounds interesting.

Net movie review telugu

You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Ranveer Singh reveals he was secretly engaged to Deepika Padukone three years before marriage; here's what the actress hilariously called it.

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No one has to become a hero. Actors: Rahul Ramakrishna, Avika Gor. Review: India has gone from a tech-challenged country to one which has seen internet reach every nook and corner of it. Had the ending portion been more engaging, the film would have made for a good watch. The editing of Raviteja Girijala could have been better. The film has a good premise. Refrain from posting comments that are obscene, defamatory or inflammatory, and do not indulge in personal attacks, name calling or inciting hatred against any community. The same piece of music, which I imagine, will nicely suit a proposal scene or a montage in a rom-com, feels out of place when it is over imposed on a creep waiting to watch a couple make love. There are many repetitive scenes in the film which slowed the narration. Showing photos of "NET".


Ranveer Singh reveals he was secretly engaged to Deepika Padukone three years before marriage; here's what the actress hilariously called it. Entertainment Jacqueline shines bright in a glamorous shimmery little black dress. Here is our review of the web film. Director Bhargav Macharla puts forward a good film in NET that tells the story in a natural and convincing manner. NET movie review: Rahul Ramakrishna shoulders a no-frills thriller. Debut director Bhargav Macharla succeeds in extracting good performances from his lead cast. He is a character who can be easily mistaken for a caricature thirsting for sex in the hands of a lesser actor and director. Rahul Ramakrishna is known for his comedic roles as the sidekick, but he proves with NET that he can pull off any character with ease. The Rahul Ramakrishna starrer is a passable one-time watch. Ram Venkat Srikar. It starts off on a bright note and loses momentum in the middle portion. Production values are good. NET is a tech thriller that makes for a partly engaging watch. Obsessed with city-bred polished women, Laxman often rues his hand in life at being married to Suchitra.

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