marshalltown iowa assessor

Marshalltown iowa assessor

Marshall County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. The maps included marshalltown iowa assessor this web site do not represent a survey and are compiled from official records, including plats, surveys, recorded deeds, and contracts.

The Marshall County Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in Marshall County, Iowa. You can contact the Marshall County Assessor for:. Marshalltown is the county seat of Marshall County, where most local government offices are located. There are three major roles involved in administering property taxes - Tax Assessor , Property Appraiser , and Tax Collector. Note that in some counties, one or more of these roles may be held by the same individual or office.

Marshalltown iowa assessor

Location Change: Due to the damage from the tornado to the Courthouse, we have moved to a temporary location on the 2nd Floor of the Downtown 1st Interstate Bank building at 11 N 1st Avenue in Marshalltown. Our hours are AM - PM. We will be an advocate for each customer we encounter and a liaison between them and the Code of the State of Iowa and Departments of Transportation and Revenue. We will offer abundant information to our customers so they are equipped to develop solutions to their questions and needs. Our positive, professional and knowledgeable employees will provide each customer, service with a smile and uphold public trust in local government. We will maintain a positive, fair, and service oriented work environment, with respect for one another and selfless teamwork. We are public servants. For more information please go to www. When you register an account, you are able to enjoy the benefits of the following information being stored:. General Information: Pay Property Taxes and Vehicle Registration Renewals Online: Property Tax: When paying by parcel number please enter the 12 digit parcel number which appears in the bottom right corner of either payment stub. When paying by eCheck, the tax receipt number shown on the property tax payment stub this is the five digit number located in the upper right hand corner in bold will be required to complete your transaction. Tax sale redemptions cannot be paid online and guaranteed funds are required in office if paid within the last ten days to redeem.

Location Marshall County Treasurer. Payments made during the annual tax sale or any adjourned tax sale may be refunded. Forgot Username.


The Marshall County Assessor is responsible for appraising real estate and assessing a property tax on properties located in Marshall County, Iowa. You can contact the Marshall County Assessor for:. Marshalltown is the county seat of Marshall County, where most local government offices are located. There are three major roles involved in administering property taxes - Tax Assessor , Property Appraiser , and Tax Collector. Note that in some counties, one or more of these roles may be held by the same individual or office. When contacting Marshall County about your property taxes, make sure that you are contacting the correct office. Please call the assessor's office in Marshalltown before you send documents or if you need to schedule a meeting. If you have general questions, you can call the Marshall County Courthouse at Property Tax By State.

Marshalltown iowa assessor

Marshall County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. The maps included in this web site do not represent a survey and are compiled from official records, including plats, surveys, recorded deeds, and contracts. The property record cards and maps only contain information required for government purposes. See the recorded documents for more detailed legal information. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or its interpretation. Marshall County assumes no responsibility for the consequences of inappropriate uses or interpretations of the data. Any person that relies on any information obtained from this site does so at his or her own risk. All critical information should be independently verified. If you have questions about this site concerning the calculation of real estate taxes, please contact the Marshall County Auditor. If you have questions about any outstanding current or delinquent tax installments, please contact the Marshall County Treasurer.

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Urban Revitalization Exemption. Property Tax Supervisor - Danielle Fleming - dfleming marshallcountyia. Forgot Password. Forgot Username. Arrow Left Arrow Right. Homestead Exemptions. Disabled Vet Credit. There are three major roles involved in administering property taxes - Tax Assessor , Property Appraiser , and Tax Collector. Service Delivery Fee. Payments made during the annual tax sale or any adjourned tax sale may be refunded. Your Receipts With an account, you will always have access to your past transactions, and can review previous payment amounts and dates.

Marshalltown is a city in the U. Marshalltown is known as the "Paris of the Prairie". Henry Anson was the first European settler in what is now called Marshalltown.

Homestead Exemptions. Password Password must meet the following requirements: At least one letter At least one capital letter At least one number Be at least 8 characters. They issue yearly tax bills to all property owners in Marshall County, and work with the sheriff's office to foreclose on properties with delinquent taxes. Fee Calculator. Electronic Check provides quick and easy electronic transfer of funds from your checking account. If you have questions about any outstanding current or delinquent tax installments, please contact the Marshall County Treasurer. Sign in. The Marshall County Property Appraiser is responsible for determining the taxable value of each piece of real estate, which the Tax Assessor will use to determine the owed property tax. Dates to Remember. Property Tax Supervisor - Danielle Fleming - dfleming marshallcountyia. Any person that relies on any information obtained from this site does so at his or her own risk. See the recorded documents for more detailed legal information.

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