mcu fpu

Mcu fpu

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Can someone suggest a microcontroller platform that has a built in floating-point-unit? Preferably small, inexpensive and easy to work with, well supported, plenty of libraries I'm working on an astrolabe and there is a ton of floating point math involved calculating the positions of celestial objects. A microcontroller at 16 MHz or 48MHz is not even near a normal computer. The microcontrollers are cheap and simple and don't have a FPU. I think you need for example a small Core i3 computer.

Mcu fpu


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Would you bet on it? One of the problems we have in the electronics and computing industries is a surfeit of TLAs three letter acronyms. The fact that the same TLA can be used to represent multiple and diverse things only exacerbates the matter. I just had a quick Google while no one was looking. I was trying to track a saying down. Instead, I ended up falling down a Google rabbit hole with topics like:. There were also a couple of self-help columns that side-tracked me for a while:.

Mcu fpu

Espressif Systems SSE: ESPP4 is designed for high-performance applications that require strong security. In fact, ESPP4 aims to cater to the next era of embedded applications which will rely on solid support for rich Human-Machine Interfaces, efficient edge computing, and increased IO-connectivity requirements.

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Can someone suggest a microcontroller platform that has a built in floating-point-unit? Good choice if you are ok using floating point libraries with the C55x. I don't know about the Arduino The only one found is an m7 core which is very power hungry. I think you need for example a small Core i3 computer. PaulRB: How about this? PaulRB April 3, , am 3. Is it not unusual that a "question" is verified? Arm-based microcontrollers Arm-based microcontrollers forum. Up 0 True Down Cancel. Soundbytes October 12, , am


C family :. As one famous SW guru said: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Probably little or no demand to justify the extra cost. I thought to remember that e. MrMark April 6, , pm 9. Only the "Self Awarded Verifies" of one struggling poster exceed the misplaced verify bestowed here Also, I don't know if this is the right forum for this I'm working on an astrolabe and there is a ton of floating point math involved calculating the positions of celestial objects. The microcontrollers are cheap and simple and don't have a FPU. The C55x family are fixed point DSPs. Cheap, and supported by "Energia", which is a fork of arduino for TI products.

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