Mucinex vs mucinex dm
We include products we think are useful for our readers, mucinex vs mucinex dm. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. Mucinex and Mucinex DM both contain an expectorant that helps loosen mucus.
Mucinex D guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine and Mucinex DM guaifenesin and dextromethorphan are cough and cold products that contain two active ingredients each. Both products have the active ingredient guaifenesin, which loosens phlegm and makes it easier to cough out. They differ because Mucinex D also contains pseudoephedrine, a nasal decongestant , while Mucinex DM contains dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant. Mucinex D contains guaifenesin, an expectorant , and pseudoephedrine, a nasal decongestant. The guaifenesin helps loosen phlegm and thin secretions in the lungs to clear the bronchial passageways of mucus and make coughs more productive. A product containing a D after the name, such as Mucinex D, usually has a decongestant e.
Mucinex vs mucinex dm
Chest congestion medications, like Robitussin and Mucinex, come in liquid, tablet, and capsule forms. Both work for multiple symptoms although some people may prefer Robitussin for a cough and Mucinex for congestion. The active ingredient in Robitussin is dextromethorphan, while the active ingredient in Mucinex is guaifenesin. However, the DM version of each medication contains both active ingredients. Why might one medication be a better choice for you than the other? The active ingredient in Robitussin and Mucinex DM products, dextromethorphan, is an antitussive, or cough suppressant. It stops your urge to cough and helps reduce coughing caused by slight irritation in your throat and lungs. Managing your cough may help you sleep. Once thinned, the mucus loosens up so you can cough it up and out. Robitussin and Mucinex both come as an oral liquid and oral tablets, depending on the specific product. In addition, Robitussin is available as liquid-filled capsules. Mucinex also comes in the form of oral granules, which are called mini-melts.
A product containing a D after the name, such as Mucinex D, usually has a decongestant e. Some potential symptoms of a serious reaction include:. What is your feedback?
But understanding your symptoms and the best active ingredients to relieve them can help you pick the best over-the-counter medication at the drugstore. The cold and flu have something in common: coughing and congestion. Products in this range typically contain one or both of these two ingredients:. Products for sinus symptoms typically contain one or more of these ingredients:. Now that you know exactly what Mucinex is and how the products work, these are your next steps to symptom relief:. Mucinex Products and Covid Learn More. Products in this range typically contain one or both of these two ingredients: Guaifenesin : An expectorant that loosens and thins excess mucus.
We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. Mucinex and Mucinex DM both contain an expectorant that helps loosen mucus. Mucinex DM also contains a drug that helps reduce coughing. Both have slightly different side effects. When you need some help shaking that chest congestion, Mucinex and Mucinex DM are two over-the-counter drugs that might help.
Mucinex vs mucinex dm
Mucinex and Mucinex DM are two medications often used for the relief of coughs and congestion associated with common cold or allergies. Both drugs feature an expectorant called guaifenesin, which helps in thinning and loosening mucus in the airways, making it easier to cough up the mucus and clear one's airway. While both have this effect on mucus clearance, Mucinex DM has an added ingredient: dextromethorphan.
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Mucinex D vs. Weight Loss. Find Top Clinical Trials Choose from over 30, active clinical trials. Terms of Service Privacy Policy Security. You should also never take Robitussin and Mucinex products that have the same active ingredients at the same time. Was this helpful? Not only will this not resolve your symptoms any faster, but it could also lead to an overdose. New York City, NY. Table of Contents. It also concluded that its side effect profile is favorable compared to many other OTC expectorants or cough suppressants and it's well-tolerated among most populations including elderly ones. Mucinex DM was first approved by the FDA and made available over-the-counter quite recently compared to other similar medications.
In our latest question and answer, the pharmacist discusses the differences between three Mucinex products: Mucinex, Mucinex D and Mucinex DM. I'm confused about the difference between all the different types of Mucinex products out there. Can you give a rundown on what each product actually has in it?
Mucinex D contains an expectorant and a decongestant. Most people tolerate these medications very well. Mucinex D vs Mucinex Dm Listen to the article instead of reading through it. New York. San Francisco, CA. Las Vegas, NV. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include:. However, they also have distinct additional components that target specific symptoms. In particular, it can be more beneficial for treating dry, irritating coughs alongside mucus-related symptoms. Mucinex Products and Covid Learn More. Popular Guides Mucinex vs Mucinex Dm. Related Articles. Not everyone experiences side effects with Robitussin or Mucinex.
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