nikki hunter

Nikki hunter

Nicki Hunter is an American pornographic film directorproducermake-up artistradio personalitynikki hunter, and former pornographic actress. Hunter made nikki hunter directorial debut with the film Psychotic for Python Pictures, which was released on December 2, In MarchHunter appeared in a public service announcement for the Free Speech Coalition on the topic of copyright infringement of adult content, nikki hunter, directed by Michael Whiteacre. Hunter performed in pornographic films for 11 years before retiring from performing inbut continues to work in the adult film industry as a director, producer, and make-up artist.

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Nikki hunter

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. She grew up in South Florida and sang in the church choir. Nikki began performing in explicit adult movies at age 23 in and has been featured in hundreds of hardcore X-rated features. Hunter branched out as a director in The porno industry rallied to Nikki's side by arranging various fund-raising events to help pay for her mounting medical expenses. This in turn inspired Hunter to found C. She enjoys an open marriage with her husband and is a mother. Contact info Agent info Resume.

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Hunter first joined MTC as an intern in Throughout her tenure, Hunter previously served as an assistant to artistic director Lynne Meadow, an artistic associate and a line producer for the Tony Award-winning company. Her work with our entire staff and our many artists has been dynamic and exemplary. Working with both the incredible artists and staff at this vibrant organization inspires, challenges, and motivates me on a daily basis. Though Hunter does not directly succeed someone in this position, the title of associate artistic director has been held at previous times by Doug Hughes, Michael Bush and Mandy Greenfield. With the promotion, Hunter joins a leadership team that also includes executive director Chris Jennings and artistic advisor Kwame Kwei-Armah. Established in by Meadow, MTC aims to develop and present new work, partner with up-and-coming and seasoned artists and produce a diverse slate of plays and musicals on Broadway and off.

Hunter made her directorial debut with the film Psychotic for Python Pictures, which was released on December 2, In March , Hunter appeared in a public service announcement for the Free Speech Coalition on the topic of copyright infringement of adult content, directed by Michael Whiteacre. Hunter performed in pornographic films for 11 years before retiring from performing in , but continues to work in the adult film industry as a director, producer, and make-up artist. Adult United States. Adult, 4 hours United States. Adult, 4 hr 14 min United States.

Nikki hunter

She grew up in South Florida and sang in the church choir. Nikki began performing in explicit adult movies at age 23 in and has been featured in hundreds of hardcore X-rated features. Hunter branched out as a director in The porno industry rallied to Nikki's side by arranging various fund-raising events to help pay for her mounting medical expenses. This in turn inspired Hunter to found C. She enjoys an open marriage with her husband and is a mother. Skip to main content. Latest Latest Oldest. Filmography

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As a teenager my first job was at Six Flags over Texas. Female Performer of the Year. See our picks. Lesbians in Charge 3 Video. Nikkie Hunter did not complete Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey. Arlington City Council District 3. She won in the general election on May 6, Nicki Hiunter. Anal Warfare 19 Video. What characteristics or principles are most important for an elected official?

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See the gallery. Official sites MySpace Twitter. Total votes: 3, Femdom Ass Worship 20 6. President U. Public Safety, Economic Growth, Infrastructure. The Outsiders. Arlington City Council District 3 Present. Tamiko Brown Nonpartisan. Click here to contact our editorial staff or report an error. As a teenager my first job was at Six Flags over Texas. Learn more.

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