Nyc doe mask mandate

Schools in New York are advised to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance to protect students in the classroom. On Tuesday, Gov. And if hospitalizations increase nyc doe mask mandate to COVID, students could see themselves donning a face mask inside once again, according to CDC recommendations. The announcement comes amid reports of the new BA.

New York City schools will shed many of its COVID prevention strategies from the past two years, according to new education department guidance posted Tuesday for the school year. Masking will continue to be optional but will be required for students and staff who return to school five days after testing positive for COVID. In line with guidance from the U. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , students and staff must stay home for five days after testing positive. They can return to school on Day 6 if they have no symptoms, or if their symptoms are improving. They must wear masks through Day 10, following the day they developed symptoms or after their positive COVID test, whichever happened first.

Nyc doe mask mandate

Please call your school or school nurse to let them know if your child has a confirmed diagnosis of an illness that can spread to others. Here are a few simple actions you can take to keep your child and other students healthy:. Consider wearing a mask , especially in a crowded indoor setting particularly if your child has a medical condition that puts them at risk for severe COVID, or if they are around others who are at increased risk for COVID, such as grandparents or other older adults. Use a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes. Teach your child to cover up their coughs too! Washing your hands with soap and water stops the spread of germs. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer. You and your child should always wash hands before If your child has a chronic condition, they may need to see their health care provider more often. Learn about services at school for students with conditions like asthma , allergies , and diabetes. Care is available in NYC regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. Find a Health Center. Children with health insurance are more likely to have a regular health care provider and get the health care services they need. Health insurance helps with the cost of health care provider visits and prescribed medicine. Make sure you and your family are covered.

Attend PSAL games? School Year —24 Calendar Welcome to the new school year!

American Sign Language video. Summer Rising connects elementary and middle school students to fun, culturally relevant, and hands-on experiences that strengthen their academic, social, and emotional skills. Summer Rising is free, and open to any NYC student currently in kindergarten through grade 8. Students will be provided with free breakfast and lunch. The application will open in early March, and close in late March. This year, for the first time, families can apply for Summer Rising online using MySchools , our online directory and application system.

Sign up for our free newsletter and start your day with clear-headed reporting on the latest topics in education. Get stories like these delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up for The 74 Newsletter. Face-covering requirements will stay in place for those younger than 5 in pre-kindergarten and child care settings, Adams said, noting that age group is not yet eligible for vaccination. That distinction will set up a scenario in some city schools with pre-K programs that certain grade levels can go mask-free while others cannot. Over three-quarters of all New York City residents have received at least two vaccine doses, including 87 percent of adult residents, according to city data. Studies show that three doses of the COVID vaccine are 99 percent effective at preventing hospitalization, even against the Delta and Omicron variants. However, student vaccination rates vary widely from school to school, from just under 10 percent coverage in some places to above 90 percent at others, numbers published by Chalkbeat reveal. Schools in wealthier areas tended to have higher rates of immunization, leading some to worry that lifting the face-covering mandate will lead to a disproportionate toll on underserved families who have suffered outsized death tolls through the pandemic.

Nyc doe mask mandate

His announcement came hours after Gov. Kathy Hochul lifted the statewide mask mandate for schools starting March 2. City officials already announced plans to drop outdoor masking when schools returned from mid-winter recess on Feb. Students and staff can continue wearing masks if they prefer to keep them on. It was not immediately clear whether school-level vaccination rates would also be considered. Earlier this month, Hochul strongly suggested she would end masking in schools but would make the decision based on COVID case rates, hospitalizations, and vaccinations. There is little rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of masking in schools, but families are split on whether to keep them around.

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To participate in remote learning, students will need access to a computer, laptop, or iPad that can connect to the internet. If your child needs to get vaccinated against polio, make an appointment with your pediatrician or regular health care provider. Sign up to receive the latest updates and reminders by email at schools. Students and staff who test positive for COVID must isolate for at least 5 days and can return to school on day 6 masked through day 10 if they have no symptoms or if symptoms are improving. Summer Rising for grades K—5 runs Monday—Friday until p. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student's school, Summer Rising CBO, or email summer schools. Notifications in the Event of a Strike : If a strike does occur and your child will be impacted, you will receive an automated call, email, and text message from us, as well as a second set of notifications on the first morning of interrupted bus service. As previously planned, tomorrow is a Clerical Day and a regularly scheduled non-attendance day for students in these schools. Thank you. October 23, A Message on Respiratory Viruses. This possible strike is due to a labor dispute between bus companies that provide yellow bus service to our schools and a union that represents bus drivers and attendants, and could impact as many as half of our bus routes. If symptoms are improving and no fever is present after five days, most children can return to school but should wear a mask until 10 days after their symptoms began or test date, if no symptoms. They are similar to the policies that were in place for the —23 school year.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul had a clear message for families and educators on Sunday: It's time to ditch the masks in schools. Appearing for a rare weekend press conference as many students and teachers prepared to return following mid-winter break, Hochul announced that the statewide order requiring indoor mask use in schools would be lifted on Wednesday.

We also encourage all members of our school community to stay up to date with vaccinations, including flu and COVID We know how many of our students and families depend on yellow bus service and that even the possibility of an interruption in service will create concern and worry, which is why we wish to be as transparent as possible with our families. You can access all of this and submit your application at schools. We encourage all those eligible to receive these boosters. Care is available in NYC regardless of immigration status or ability to pay. Here are some suggestions:. It can also be spread through contact with clothing or bedding, or from respiratory droplets during face-to-face contact. New York State law mandates that all children must meet school immunization requirements for attending school or day-care facilities — and this includes all public, private and religious schools. Respiratory Virus Family Letter available in:. Quarantine should last five days, with the day of the positive test considered Day 0. Health Insurance Children with health insurance are more likely to have a regular health care provider and get the health care services they need. Throughout the year, we have been building powerful partnerships with major local employers like Northwell Health and JPMorgan Chase and connecting thousands of high school students with paid internships. If families wish, they can make changes to their application at any point within the application window.

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