Obvious opposite word
Words related to obvious are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word obvious. Browse related words to learn more about word associations.
Culture - Languages, History, Art. Opposite of obvious? Admin general. Reply Opposite of obvious? Deleted Deleted Member. Jun 11, GMT.
Obvious opposite word
Antonyms: non-obvious , unobvious , subtle. Antonyms: unobvious , subtle , non-obvious. Clear Latin clarus , bright, brilliant primarily refers to that which shines, and impresses the mind through the eye with a sense of luster or splendor. A substance is said to be clear that offers no impediment to vision — is not dim, dark, or obscure. Transparent refers to the medium through which a substance is seen, clear to the substance itself, without reference to anything to be seen through it; we speak of a stream as clear when we think of the water itself; we speak of it as transparent with reference to the ease with which we see the pebbles at the bottom. Clear is also said of that which comes to the senses without dimness, dulness, obstruction, or obscurity, so that there is no uncertainty as to its exact form, character, or meaning, with something of the brightness or brilliancy implied in the primary meaning of the word clear ; as, the outlines of the ship were clear against the sky; a clear view; a clear note; " clear as a bell;" a clear , frosty air; a clear sky; a clear statement; hence, the word is used for that which is free from any kind of obstruction; as, a clear field. Lucid and pellucid refer to a shining clearness, as of crystal. A transparent body allows the forms and colors of objects beyond to be seen through it; a translucent body allows light to pass through, but may not permit forms and colors to be distinguished; plate glass is transparent , ground glass is translucent. Limpid refers to a liquid clearness, or that which suggests it; as, limpid streams. That which is distinct is well defined, especially in outline, each part or object standing or seeming apart from any other, not confused, indefinite, or blurred; distinct enunciation enables the hearer to catch every word or vocal sound without perplexity or confusion; a distinct statement is free from indefiniteness or ambiguity; a distinct apprehension of a thought leaves the mind in no doubt or uncertainty regarding it. That is plain , in the sense here considered, which is, as it were, level to the thought, so that one goes straight on without difficulty or hindrance; as, plain language; a plain statement; a clear explanation. Perspicuous is often equivalent to plain , but plain never wholly loses the meaning of unadorned , so that we can say the style is perspicuous tho highly ornate, when we could not call it at once ornate and plain. Antonyms: ambiguous , cloudy , dim , dubious , foggy , indistinct , mysterious , obscure , opaque , turbid , unintelligible , vague. Synonyms: apparent , clear , diaphanous , distinct , evident , explicit , intelligible , limpid , lucid , manifest , pellucid , perspicuous , plain , straightforward , translucent , transparent , unadorned , unambiguous , unequivocal , unmistakable.
Browse related words to learn more about word associations. Alvamiga Psychotic Potato Pinguninja.
Some common synonyms of obvious are apparent , clear , distinct , evident , manifest , patent , and plain. While all these words mean "readily perceived or apprehended," obvious implies such ease in discovering that it often suggests conspicuousness or little need for perspicacity in the observer. How do apparent and evident relate to one another, in the sense of obvious? Apparent is very close to evident except that it may imply more conscious exercise of inference. The synonyms clear and obvious are sometimes interchangeable, but clear implies an absence of anything that confuses the mind or obscures the pattern.
Words related to obvious are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word obvious. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. However, as abundantly obvious given recent fluctuations in model projections more than a couple of days in the future, the specifics of these forecasts are likely to change. The reason behind this gap in perception between the people who knew Carmichael and those who knew only an image they themselves had helped to create seems obvious. There was the obvious sight gags of Valerie not realizing who everyone was clapping for, when the party was clapping for her. Despite the obvious ongoing problems with disease and access to basics, the future of Africa is bright. But these were to him things so obvious that he could not conceive any reasonable person doubting them. There you are wrong, Rupert, because it's obvious that if he is not Mr. Spurrell, his absence has to be accounted for in some way. And everybody, or nearly everybody, bases on these obvious facts a series of entirely erroneous conclusions.
Obvious opposite word
Some common synonyms of obvious are apparent , clear , distinct , evident , manifest , patent , and plain. While all these words mean "readily perceived or apprehended," obvious implies such ease in discovering that it often suggests conspicuousness or little need for perspicacity in the observer. How do apparent and evident relate to one another, in the sense of obvious? Apparent is very close to evident except that it may imply more conscious exercise of inference. The synonyms clear and obvious are sometimes interchangeable, but clear implies an absence of anything that confuses the mind or obscures the pattern. In what contexts can distinct take the place of obvious?
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Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. From Popular-Science. May 19, GMT. Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms. Collins Word of the Day. Sept 23, GMT. At the exact same time France will be playing Denmark and also need to win. There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage. Post more words for obvious to Facebook Facebook. Her conspicuous lack of warmth confirmed that they were no longer friends. Erik Gordon : The Perrigo acquisition makes sense for Mylan. Transparent refers to the medium through which a substance is seen, clear to the substance itself, without reference to anything to be seen through it; we speak of a stream as clear when we think of the water itself; we speak of it as transparent with reference to the ease with which we see the pebbles at the bottom. Although the words evident and obvious have much in common, evident implies presence of visible signs that lead one to a definite conclusion. Specifically, manifest implies an external display so evident that little or no inference is required. Moose Psychotic potato dwarf Posts: 18,
Some common antonyms of obvious are hidden, obscure, unclear, and vague. The word obvious indicates something easily perceived, understood, or apparent without the need for extensive explanation or analysis; it is readily noticeable or self-evident. Let us understand its meaning, origin, antonyms, and its usage with examples in the article blog below.
Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers Sign me up. How does the adjective obvious contrast with its synonyms? More from Merriam-Webster on obvious. Jun 11, GMT jayme said:. Teaching Resources. Just do the math. Collins Conundrum. Susan Collins : I think it's pretty obvious from the vote today that it is extraordinarily unlikely that the president will be convicted. Copy Citation. English collocations. Missing Letter A crossword with a twist Play. Aug 4, GMT. English images.
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