Orale in spanish slang

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Orale is a slang word that Mexicans use as a way to express surprise, admiration, agreement, approval or disappointment. We also use it to urge someone to do something. Wow, did you already see the price of the food? When are you going to live in Spain? I thought you were my friend and that you would help me. However, keep in mind that when you use it to agree with a plan, it can also be understood as a way to end the conversation or to say goodbye.

Orale in spanish slang

Spanish pronunciation has the primary stress on the first syllable i. I have checked what my reference sources explain about this expression and here they are:. The previous definition is the same given by DRAE, but Roxana Fitch in her book Jergas de habla hispana adds two other meanings: interjection to express agreement and to indicate discomfort or surprise. First, check your surroundings. Or are they just trying to get your attention or are they agreeing with you? Que Te Pasa? Response: Tell them how you are feeling or just say nada nothing. Response: Bien good. Orale, por favor, sal conmigo? Response: Si or No. I guess that one depends on how you feel about someone begging for a date. Now you know when and how to use this spontaneous expression commonly used in Mexico and the US. And thank you for taking the time to share. I always encourage Speaking Latino readers and followers to ask me Spanish slang questions through Twitter and Facebook.

Response: Bien good Orale, por favor, sal conmigo?

When we think of Spanish speaking countries, Mexico is almost always the first to come up. Even though Spanish is the common language of all Spanish speaking countries , have you ever realized that they have different words and phrases? They might sound familiar mainly because of Mexican soap operas or modern Mexican movies. Book Spanish lessons here. Like in every Spanish speaking country, there are different dialects for many historical and social reasons.

This can mean anything from yes, ok, come on, alright then, so anyway, yo, whoa, wow, hey, wow, watch out, or hell yea, amongst others. This surprise expression has lots of meanings, like many a colloquialism. It can be used as a greeting, a surprise exclamation, an affirmation, or another term of excitement by Mexicans, Chicanos, Chicanas, and Mexican Americans. This Chicano word does not have a definite meaning, but its connotations are determined by tone. If one uses the phrase in an intimidating tone, this might be taken as a violent invitation. This common interjection does not have a good equivalent expression in English — perhaps whoa, or some other form of affirmative depending on the circumstance.

Orale in spanish slang

Orale is a slang word that Mexicans use as a way to express surprise, admiration, agreement, approval or disappointment. We also use it to urge someone to do something. Wow, did you already see the price of the food? When are you going to live in Spain? I thought you were my friend and that you would help me. However, keep in mind that when you use it to agree with a plan, it can also be understood as a way to end the conversation or to say goodbye. In this context, this slang word implies a command and a sense of urge. As a result, we use it to give orders.

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Spanish Quiz. Wow, did you already see the price of the food? As a result, we use it to give orders. It can also be used to show agreement or approval about a certain situation. Primary School. Italian English to Italian. Traditional Chinese images. Spanish pronunciation has the primary stress on the first syllable i. Robles no pudo contener una sonrisa agria. Quiz Italian confusables.

Spanish pronunciation has the primary stress on the first syllable i.

Portuguese English to Portuguese. Contact Us. Response: Bien good. This expression is among the most common ones to greet someone or to start a conversation. Learn a language. AI Spanish Video Call. He had his answer a couple days after he wrote. Video pronunciations. February 21, Read more. I have checked what my reference sources explain about this expression and here they are:. Go clean your room, hurry! German grammar. Spanish grammar. It is mainly used to express surprise, shock, or, in some cases, desperation. Read more.

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