Plant island breeding chart

Last Updated on December 17, by Samuel Franklin, plant island breeding chart. This comprehensive My Singing Monsters Plant Island breeding chart will guide players through the first serene island of MSM that can be a difficult initial breeding challenge. Unlock the secrets of the monsters that live on Plant Island with this clear guide to breeding plant island breeding chart that will help you master the breeding system and complete your collection on this island without significant trial and error. To assist with this goal I have utilised my MSM experience to include a chart text and image of all the Plant Island monsters with recommended breeding combinations, the respective Plant Island breeding times and other critical monster information to help new players.

The Breeding Tables provide an at-a-glance view of Breeding Combinations, potential results, Breeding Times, and best combinations per island. Each table shows a list of Monsters in the column on the left, and the row at the very bottom. These monsters are presented in their Portrait depictions. If you're not sure which monster a given portrait is, hover over the image on your desktop, or simply tap it to go to that monster's main page. If you choose a Monster from a column in the bottom, and go up to the row of the Monster you plan to breed with, the cell where the two intersect will show the possible resulting Monster.

Plant island breeding chart

Plant Island is the first island available to the player in My Singing Monsters. It is the first Natural Island and manifests the Plant Element. The Island has a total of 66 Monsters and Costumes. The song is also available to download via the My Singing Monsters Soundtrack. The Colossal makes a low, mechanical drone noise that slowly builds up. This is a chart that shows where each Monster plays in the song. Each part is 16 beats long, meaning that one part is around 6. The number next to each Monster indicates which track is being played at each part. Parlsona : Every Monster knows And every Monster cares!

Rare Pummel.


You may often wonder about which monster combinations will result in your desired monster. Below, I have created a breeding guide for Plant Island to help you on your way to your perfect island. The monsters are classified into various elements, and each breeding combination requires you to be at a certain level. After breeding two monsters together, you have to wait for a certain amount of time for them to hatch. While most monsters can be obtained from breeding, others are available for a limited time during different events that you can unlock, buy, or breed. As you breed more monsters and unlock their combinations, obtaining rare and epic breeds will become increasingly challenging.

Plant island breeding chart

My Singing Monsters is a free-to-play mobile game that has maintained a solid community since it was released in Plant Island is the first island players will encounter and has one of the best songs in the game. If you want to complete your monstrous melody, then consult this guide to breed every Plant Island monster in My Singing Monsters. Each monster has an element. For Plant Island, there are four main elements that inhabit the island: plant, cold, water, and earth. You will purchase the single-element monsters from the store, and then breed them together. There is a monster for every combination of these four elements on Plant Island. Below is a list of every natural monster available for Plant Island in My Singing Monsters, and how to get them. Natural Monsters are those that are part of the four main elements for Plant Island: plant, cold, earth, and water. Monsters outside of those elemental brackets can inhabit the island, but the vast majority have one or more of the four main elements and are therefore considered natural.

Hamro patro

I'm a cool man August 25, , am Why. Breathe deep, and savor the intoxicating fragrance of flowers in bloom. And every Monster cares! As part of the Spooktacle celebration, all obstacles are changed to Seasonal versions. Big Rock : 10 Removal: 15, The following are a few key points to keep in mind:. Rare Noggin. Rare Pummel. Rare G'joob. Any three element monster pairing where both parents have the Water element. Rare Ghazt. Plant Island is the first island available to the player in My Singing Monsters. MSM player September 18, , pm. Anonymous January 3, , am I agree plant island is the best. Start a Wiki.

My Singing Monsters is about collecting as many monsters as possible to add to your island. While you can gather tons of the available monsters in the game by purchasing them through the in-game market, the better or rare type monsters must be made by breeding two monsters together.

Ethereal , Supernatural , Legendary , Seasonal , and Mythical Monsters each have varied bed requirements. Big Spooktacle Tree Island Skin. It is the first Natural Island and manifests the Plant Element. Water Island Breeding table. The Colossal makes a low, mechanical drone noise that slowly builds up. Light Island Breeding table. Removing the rocks and trees from the island earns the player Experience and it opens up space to place more Monsters , Decorations , or Structures. Rare Entbrat. Rare Natural. MSM player September 18, , pm I agree to plant island is the best. It was released on October 24th,

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