Pokemon starter tier list

The original three starters of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle set the standard all the way back in or in Japan. Little did we know then that every subsequent generation would be compared to the now iconic trio.

Our Starter Pokemon Tier List includes all Starter Pokemon ever announced and is ordered from top to bottom of the most popular Pokemon. Your votes determine the order of the tier list in the next update, results update automatically at the start of each month! This list has just been updated, refresh this page to see the latest results! Each month you will get a set amount of votes varies depending on the size of the tier list. The tier list updates automatically at the end of each month at UTC 12am. The clock above will adjust to your timezone.

Pokemon starter tier list

Pokemon games in the mainline series typically feature three first-partner Pokemon that players ca n choose from to get their so-called starter - a critter to begin their adventure with. Pokemon Yellow is an outlier in the series to this day because it features Pikachu as the only possible starter, which is also not part of the traditional type trifecta, and on top of that cannot evolve. With shiny Pokemon becoming more and more popular as ways to get them are added to the games, it's a good starting point to determine which starters have good shiny palettes and which got the short end of the stick. This tier list only includes the final evolution of every possible shiny starter Pokemon, rather than all three stages. Pikachu is not included in this tier list due to being an unevolved form and due to Pokemon Yellow's odd status as a mainline game that strays from typical rules concerning starters. These shiny Pokemon are S tier because they gain spectacular colors that enhance their appearance by making them stand out even more than they normally would in their base form. Some shiny first-partner critters enjoy great shiny color palettes that take them to the next level with outstanding colors, sometimes even rare ones, such as shiny Swampert's lilac or Chairzard's and Greninja's black. With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 's Indigo Disk making all starters catchable , players may want to keep an eye on some more closely than others, especially in the Blueberry Academy's large open world. The shiny Pokemon in A tier are critters with amazing color palettes that deserve high praise for the way they look compared to their base versions. In some cases, a more bland shiny color palette is helped by multiple forms for the pocket monster. Although critters like shiny Emboar make for great starter Pokemon in any player's collection, some of them are not unique enough to end up among the best shiny Pokemon in the series, even among starters only. They do still have amazing designs and color palettes that make them stand out compared to their regular forms, giving players a good reason to hunt for them. These shiny Pokemon fall in B tier because most of the time they have some color palette changes that are actually subpar or somewhat disappointing because they mainly consist of a shade change. There are plenty of great shiny Pokemon in the franchise, but some do not meet expectations due to little changes to the overall palette, with a great example being Samurott.

In some cases, a more bland shiny color palette is helped by multiple forms for the pocket monster. The shiny Pokemon in A tier have amazing color palettes that deserve high praise, although some may not be unique enough to be among pokemon starter tier list best shiny Pokemon in the series. Struggling to compete early on really hurts Litten — which debuted in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon — in the Tier rankings, but it does redeem itself a bit once it evolves into its final form, pokemon starter tier list, Incineroar, a Fire and Dark type Pokemon.

You know Not on a gameplay level or their competitive usefulness, not based off of their abilities or their eventual evolutions. Just the starters, just their original forms. For science. Note: This list is all in good fun and you will no doubt disagree with it. Feel free to comments below on how the science is wrong and your opinions are right. In the end though, it really comes down to the combination of the red clown nose and the clown ruffled collar that makes Popplio drop like a rock through the list.

After the player meets with Mr. Only one is available for the player to obtain during the main game, while the other two are only available during the post-game. What happens to the starter not selected is unknown. The player character not chosen will have the starter that is weak to the player's choice, but only seen in its second form. Teacher Emily in the Trainer's School will use the starter that has a type advantage over the player's choice. Gladion 's Silvally will also be holding the memory of the type the player's starter is weak to. Hau's Eevee will evolve into the Eeveelution whose type has the advantage to the player's choice.

Pokemon starter tier list

Provided by Tyler Despite some similar nostalgia picks, a good performance on the last list doesn't guarantee the same here. Yeah, them. You bullied me. Fans of Turtwig asked for my home address so they could probably hurt me for my low ranking of their favorite, silly turtle. This time, I will rate the starters based solely on their final evolutions.

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Down from Rank Which — as with Charmander and Turtwig — is the true hidden appeal of Froakie! Outside of video games, Jason is a keen tabletop gamer, film buff and comic book fan. Up from Rank 21 Tier 2. These shiny Pokemon are S tier because they gain spectacular colors that enhance their appearance by making them stand out even more than they normally would in their base form. Pokemon games in the mainline series typically feature three first-partner Pokemon that players ca n choose from to get their so-called starter - a critter to begin their adventure with. Bublasaur, despite looking nothing like a dinosaur like their name implies, does have a cool design of the little reptile like creature that feeds off the sun with the bulb on their back. Why does Fennekin turn into a weird fire fox wizard hybrid? But as all three forms are Water type only, it does leave them vulnerable against some types of Pokemon. They do still have amazing designs and color palettes that make them stand out compared to their regular forms, giving players a good reason to hunt for them. Infernape — the second evolution — retains the Fire and Fighting types, becoming even more of a beast. In the end though, it really comes down to the combination of the red clown nose and the clown ruffled collar that makes Popplio drop like a rock through the list.

New starters means new discussions around them as my colleague Tyler made a tier list with all of them.

It also really holds its own as it evolves too — first into Ivysaur and then into Venusaur. Here's some stats to enjoy on the list: Average position for fire types: 10 Average position for grass types: 11 Average position for water types: 12 Fairly close overall, but fire types win out, mostly with the help of 3 fire types in the top 5. These shiny Pokemon are S tier because they gain spectacular colors that enhance their appearance by making them stand out even more than they normally would in their base form. Same couldn't be said about Chespin, Mudkip, and, not to get ahead of ourselves, some of the evolutions of this bunch. Atk and Speed stats. Also baby Charmanders are known to burn themselves on their tail because they don't know how fire works. Mudkip will do well in the first few Gyms and it copes well as it evolves; into Marshtomp first, then Swampert. Which is why we at Retro Dodo have no choice but to rank the most popular Pokemon in history — who was even played by Ryan Reynolds in a live action Hollywood movie — as our absolute worst of the worst on the Pokemon Starters Tier list! Also, this wiki uses probably the worst picture of Charmander in existence. Jason Brown.

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