ps4 youtube

Ps4 youtube

With the growing diversity of content available on YouTube, it has quickly become an app essential to an entertainment center.

Follow the guide below to broadcast and share gameplay from your PS4 console to YouTube and other streaming services. Once a 4K video is selected, the console will automatically stream the content in 4K resolution. A 4K video normally has x resolution. Picture quality also depends on the video you're streaming. Support Home.

Ps4 youtube


What went wrong? Select YouTube from the list of options to bring up the store page.


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Ps4 youtube

Sign up for YouTube TV. Users can record shows to watch later without storage limits, and six accounts are included with each subscription. Close icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. Tech Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Home Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Kitchen Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down.

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Broadcast on PS4 consoles. Confirm age. Up Next: Playstation 4 Pro Previous. How to set up YouTube on PS4 consoles. How to Log-In to your YouTube Account Now that you have the App on your system and can watch videos whenever you would like, it may be useful to be able to like, comment, and subscribe on your favorite videos and channels. Select Sign Out. If you have more than one Google account, be sure to select the account that you use with YouTube. To do so, you will need to log in to your YouTube account on PS4. How to sign out of YouTube. Contact our support specialists. Age restricted. Just typing "Yo" in the search bar should bring up YouTube as an option. Move the selection cursor over "Search" and select it to bring up the search bar.

You can do this when starting a broadcast for the first time or from the home screen:.

Age restricted. Select Sign Out. Up Next: Playstation 4 Pro Previous. Contact PlayStation Support. Contact our support specialists. Was this guide helpful? A steady internet connection of at least 25 Mbps. This will then open a notification window letting you know that signing into your YouTube account from the PS4 or PS4 Pro system will link the two accounts. Related Guides. Just typing "Yo" in the search bar should bring up YouTube as an option. Was this article helpful? Confirm age. Back to PlayStation. Select YouTube from the list of options to bring up the store page.

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