rachel gurney actress

Rachel gurney actress

Rachel Gurney, who has died aged 81, was one of the most elegant and serene exponents of well-bred femininity and aristocratic assurance on the postwar London stage and in television, in particular as the moneyed Belgravian matriarch, rachel gurney actress, Lady Marjorie Bellamy, in the TV series Upstairs, Downstairs, which lightly examined the English class system.

English actress Rachel Gurney Lubbock. English Wikipedia. National Library of Spain ID. The Peerage. Kindred Britain.

Rachel gurney actress

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Rachel Gurney Actress. She was married to Denys Rhodes. Add to list. Photos 7. Known for:. The Portrait of a Lady. Madame Merle. The Moonstone. Lady Verinder.

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In addition to playing the regal Lady Marjorie on the British soap the character was killed off when she sailed on the Titanic , Ms. She toured India and Ceylon with an all-Shakespeare program in Gurney was previously married to Denys Rhodes, and is survived by a daughter. She was born Rachel Gurney Lubbock in Eton. Her father was a housemaster at the school, her mother was a pianist, according to The Daily Telegraph. Her London debut was in The Guinea Pig , in The play ran a year.

Rachel Gurney 5 March — 24 November was an English actress. She began her career in the theatre towards the end of World War II and then expanded into television and film in the s. She remained active, mostly in television and theatre work, into the early s. Rachel Gurney was born in Buckinghamshire , England on 5 March Her father, Samuel Gurney Lubbock, was a housemaster at Eton [1] and her mother, Irene Scharrer , was a concert pianist. Due to her parents' occupations, Gurney grew up in a large house with 42 boys that was often host to visiting artists and musicians. World War II postponed her acting career, and she did not make her stage debut until with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre , working under director Barry Jackson. In the same year, she married novelist Denys Rhodes , but their marriage ended in in divorce. They had one daughter together, actress Sharon Gurney a daughter-in-law of Michael Gough. Gurney continued to appear regularly on the London stage during the s.

Rachel gurney actress

One of the most elegant actresses of her generation — tall and slim, with an always stylish physical presence on stage — Rachel Gurney inevitably spent much of her career in period costume. Happily, in later years she scored striking successes in contemporary plays by authors including Ronald Harwood and Hugh Whitemore. On television her many appearances in modern material were eclipsed by the world-wide success of Upstairs, Downstairs in the s, in which she played the Edwardian-era Eaton Square matriarch Mrs later Lady Bellamy. Gurney came from a conventional middle-class background; she was Buckinghamshire-born and educated at the Challoner School in London. After a brief spell with the Birmingham Repertory Company, then one of the most prestigious regional theatres, under Sir Barry Jackson, she made an early West End mark in a sympathetic role she always brought something special to tolerant, understanding characters in Warren Chetham-Strute's play of tensions in a boys' public school, The Guinea-Pig Criterion, , a long-running success. Remarkably quickly she became established as a rising younger talent — as Lady Katherine in a strong revival of The Sleepy Clergyman Criterion, and in two impressive appearances at the Arts Theatre, at a high point of its fortunes under Alec Clunes's adventurous management, in a Shavian triple-bill and as Alice in a powerful production of Granville-Barker's The Voysey Inheritance


All Rights Reserved. English actress Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna 6. November 30, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The forthcoming tour of the Tony-winning musical launches this summer in Manchester. By Natan Zamansky March 11, Blocking belongs on the stage, not on websites. Her marriage to the writer Denys Rhodes was dissolved in after five years. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond.

In addition to playing the regal Lady Marjorie on the British soap the character was killed off when she sailed on the Titanic , Ms. She toured India and Ceylon with an all-Shakespeare program in Gurney was previously married to Denys Rhodes, and is survived by a daughter.

Sign In Sign In. Rachel Gurney was born in Buckinghamshire , England on 5 March Download as PDF Printable version. Rachel Gurney. Ten from the Twenties TV Series. Kinopoisk person ID. Upstairs, Downstairs 8. New Customer? Fields is a leading figure in punk rock history, and Fremont is the former vice president of Andy Warhol Enterprises, Inc. Classic Arts. Go to your list. See our picks. Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art. Sharon Gurney.

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