Raven ttg
Teens Titans Go! The one exemption is Raven, who is a thoughtful voice of reason in a raven ttg full of nincompoops. Throughout the series, Raven proves herself to be the most reliably able member of the Teen Titans by exhibiting Zen-like maturity while maintaining a delightfully dry sense of humor, raven ttg.
Her magical, psionic and demonic-inherited powers from her father, Trigon , are a significant asset to the team, but when not in combat, she generally prefers to keep to herself. Tara Strong , who voiced Raven in the original series Teen Titans , reprises her role as the character. Conceived through the relations between a human and the demonic entity Trigon the Terrible , Raven had harbored ghastly evilness within her soul from birth. While Raven was terrorizing Jump City in the episode " Flashback ", a young sidekick named Robin took notice of her immense demonic powers. He figured that she would be perfect for his new team
Raven ttg
If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Raven is a half-human, half-demon sorceress living on Earth, lending a hand to the super-hero team The Teen Titans. Raven is the token smart member of the team even with the genius Robin and super-genius Cyborg on the team. Where Robin uses his smarts for strategy and Cyborg uses his smarts for inventing new gadgets, Raven tends to apply her intellect to basic problem-solving and ancient lore and tries to be the most sophisticated of her team. Raven has a variety of dark powers tied to her demon-half. She is also in love with her team-mate, Beast Boy , who acts as her cheerful and fun-loving foil. TV Series remains faithful to that of the original series, as both are portrayed as seemingly emotionless, quiet, intelligent, speaking in a monotone, studious, and sarcastic goth girl. Even so, this Raven has a livelier side which completely unveiled if she stripped off her cloak: Her brooding side is revealed to be partly a side effect of dark powers in her signature cloak, as anyone who dares to wear the cloak would have their minds corrupted and displayed similar behavior. Also, her relationships with her father Trigon appeared to less antagonistic than in the TV Series, arguably since Teen Titans Go! Perhaps due to her being most mature, Raven is the only one who least prone to behave out of characters unlike the rest of Titans. Even so, she still capable to behave jerkish in her own right for the sake of the show's silly format, where she displayed a colder, less patient, and snarkier personality at times. Teen Titans Go! Main Heroes K. Enid Radicles Carol Mr. Gar Dendy Turbo K.
The Grave Mistake. Azarath Metrion Zinthos! He figured that she would be perfect for his new team
A mysterious prism creates five Ravens, each of a different color and with a different aspect and emotions of her personality. The Ravens disrupt life in the Tower so much that the others decide to use the crystals of the prism to put Raven back together again. The episode starts out with a battle with Doctor Light , who is stealing the Mysterious Prism from a museum. The Titans don't really take the fight seriously, as their main goal is to take him down after making a one-liner. Beast Boy , morphing into a cat, gets tossed away in shame; Cyborg transforms into a missile, only to be hit with a stick bomb and blow up; Starfire fires Starbolts at Doctor Light, but crashes into a car. Raven , on the other hand, simply teleports him to jail through a black hole, and she didn't care about making a one-liner. Back at the Tower, Robin asks what to do with the prism, and the Titans start passing it around like a ball while everyone asks Raven how can she have feelings. Then, suddenly, the prism begins to glow.
Raven ttg
Disapproving of her father's conquest of dimensions, she left her home and journeyed to Jump City where she joined the Teen Titans in order to help save innocent people. Raven comes across as the equivalent to a goth with a dark and brooding personality. Unlike the other Titans, she doesn't display any extreme emotion when saddened, shocked, or happy preferring to either give a small smile, frown, or bulging eyes.
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I'll check out those skeletons with whoever wins. I'm not a rabbit. Right in the middle of the best part of "Pretty Pretty Pegasus. The one exemption is Raven, who is a thoughtful voice of reason in a world full of nincompoops. All of those attributes combine to make for a remarkable superhero. I used my magic to watch her every move. Who wants to be your friend when you're basically the spawn of an intergalactic demon? If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! We're here to possess you. Even so, this Raven has a livelier side which completely unveiled if she stripped off her cloak: Her brooding side is revealed to be partly a side effect of dark powers in her signature cloak, as anyone who dares to wear the cloak would have their minds corrupted and displayed similar behavior. To complement her shadowy and dark mood, Raven dons an indigo-colored cloak, rarely revealing any of her body besides the lower portion of her face. Logic Bernard President of The Universe. The Titans often attempt to apply violence to situations that require a soft touch. Stage 2: Anger.
If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Raven is a half-human, half-demon sorceress living on Earth, lending a hand to the super-hero team The Teen Titans. Raven is the token smart member of the team even with the genius Robin and super-genius Cyborg on the team.
When Raven descends into a demonic fury, the chakra bursts into flames, her hair turns a ghastly white, her skin turns blood red, and all four of her horrific yellow eyes open up, making her resemble Trigon. With the help of her new friends, Raven eventually fought her way up to the top and earned a spot on the Teen Titans. The Grave Mistake. A divided Raven leaves the Titans in utter disarray. Right in the middle of the best part of "Pretty Pretty Pegasus. When Robin peeks into her cloak in " Legs ", he is instantly slammed into the wall. Sign In Register. If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! TV Series remains faithful to that of the original series, as both are portrayed as seemingly emotionless, quiet, intelligent, speaking in a monotone, studious, and sarcastic goth girl. Despite her evil past, she is a masterful practitioner of peaceful negotiation. Beneath the overlying garment, Raven wears a black, long-sleeved one-piece suit, complete with red gems near her hips. They're really cool. Sign In Register. Who knew I had all of these moves?!
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