Rest super usi number
In addition to your super balance these are important numbers you'll need to know.
Welcome back, Last time you were here you were interested in Take me back. Industry funds were originally established to manage super contributions for a particular industry — for example, Rest was established as the super fund for retail industry workers. However, these days most industry funds are open to everyone. Super is money you save throughout your working life in a super account. Generally, you can only access super when you reach preservation age. So even though it may be a while before you can spend it, understanding your super early will give you greater control and the confidence to make the best financial choices for you. MySuper Product Unique Identifier 62 1.
Rest super usi number
Our board is made up of both employer and employee representatives, as well as an independent representative. Are you a member of the press? Keep up-to-date with the latest news, corporate info and more at Rest. Back to Why Rest. About Rest. Fund Details. Rest ABN: Additional Fund Information. Established in , Rest is amongst the largest funds by membership. For over 30 years, Rest has been looking after hardworking Australians and their super. We use our size and expertise to deliver long-term investment performance to more than 1. Executive team Meet our Executive Officers responsible for our day-to-day operations. Find out more. Rest board Our board is made up of both employer and employee representatives, as well as an independent representative. Media centre Are you a member of the press?
Open Rest App. Just complete the Online Form and ask your new employer to pay your super contributions to your Rest account.
REST began as an industry super fund for retail employees, but it is not open to the public, from any industry. It has over 2. There are , employers that contribute to the REST super fund. REST is run to profit it's members. It was introduced as part of the SuperStream system, which came into effect in July A SPIN number identifies a super fund product, as opposed to the business entity, fund or trustee. It is used by government organsations and financial institutions to identify the super fund products that belong to a superfund.
Because paying less in fees over your working life will make a huge difference to your super balance when you retire. Since Rest was founded in , our Core Strategy investment option has returned 8. As an industry super fund, our members are our top priority, so profits go back to you, not to shareholders. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Includes admin fees, investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and costs met from reserves. Other fees and costs may apply.
Rest super usi number
Industry funds are profit-to-member funds. Industry funds were originally set up to manage super contributions for a particular industry — for example, Rest was established as the super fund for retail industry workers. Rest is now open to everyone.
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Make a contribution. Before taking any action based on the information shown in the AAS MemberAccess Secure Pages, you should contact the Customer Service Centre on and obtain a written statement of the required information. All invoices must bear an ABN number to be considered a valid invoice in Australia. Media centre Are you a member of the press? Investment Updates. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. This information can then be used by members to consolidate their super and is an alternative method to the method that is provided through the Rest app and MemberAccess. SuperFunds About Contact. Fill out the form below to find out what makes us different. You can write to the Rest Complaints Officer and request a review of your claim at any stage. If you require any additional information about the Rest complaints handling process please refer to the concerns and complaints page at rest. Click on the 'Combine your super' tab.
In addition to your super balance these are important numbers you'll need to know.
Low fees Because paying less in fees over your working life will make a huge difference to your super balance when you retire. Is Rest an industry fund? How can I check if I have insurance on my account? A lawyer is not required to make an insurance claim or to have an insurance claim assessed. So even though it may be a while before you can spend it, understanding your super early will give you greater control and the confidence to make the best financial choices for you. You should provide any new evidence you obtain to support your case. Your access to and use of the Site is subject to the following terms of use Terms of Use. A SPIN number identifies a super fund product, as opposed to the business entity, fund or trustee. What is SuperMatch. Want to check your account balance, update your personal details or choose how your money is invested? Please click here for Rest's compliance letter. Back to Resources. Explicit fees such as fixed dollar administration fees, exit fees, contribution fees and switching fees are excluded. Using EmployerAccess for the first time? Simply call Rest on or Request a call back.
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