Restaurants in mendenhall ms
The people search feature on Superpages. You can still search for people on yellowpages. You will be automatically re-directed to People Search on yellowpages. SuperPages SM - helps you find the right restaurants in mendenhall ms businesses to meet your specific needs.
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Restaurants in mendenhall ms
Friendly service! Con:Limited drink options; out of water. Not very clean. Order several different items. One had the blackened catfish. It was mushy and looked like it was cooked in a dirty pan not blackened. The mustard greens were just not good. The fried catfish was tasty but was not hot, warm at best. Hush puppies were pretty tasty and easy to eat. Nice atmosphere and plenty of parking available.
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Awesome little restaurant. Tucked away and may be overlooked but it's a real treat. From Business: Same owner as mendenhall quick stop Simpson Highway mendenhall ms This review comes at a proud moment partnering with this community not one, not two times , only twice. Request the name of the business should be voted on annually for a better customer turnout. Ward's very expensive small business market eat joint valuable lesson came from managing larger bills such as hundreds putting U.
Friendly service! Con:Limited drink options; out of water. Not very clean. Order several different items. One had the blackened catfish. It was mushy and looked like it was cooked in a dirty pan not blackened. The mustard greens were just not good. The fried catfish was tasty but was not hot, warm at best. Hush puppies were pretty tasty and easy to eat. Nice atmosphere and plenty of parking available.
Restaurants in mendenhall ms
Hours : US 49 frontage Rd, Mendenhall Excellent buffet! Got there at high noon Sunday, it was crazy busy.
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Shivers Creek Fish House Restaurants. Foodwise-Kids did not like the fried chicken tenders. Name A-Z. The local sheriffs were eating here when we arrived. Applebee's Brandon 4. Khoi Vo Chicken House Restaurants. View all 3 Locations. Got there at high noon Sunday, it was crazy busy. From Business: Same owner as mendenhall quick stop Simpson Highway mendenhall ms Snobiz of Mendenhall Restaurants Juices. This review comes at a proud moment partnering with this community not one, not two times , only twice.
Dinner Restaurants. View all 2 Locations. Shivers Creek Fish House Restaurants. Krispy Krunchy Chicken Hwy 18 New. Sushi from Kroger by Snowfox New. Eason's Catfish House Restaurants. Lost Pizza Co. Add your Business. Order several different items. Khoi Vo Chicken House Restaurants. Mendenhall food delivery and takeout.
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