robin young justice

Robin young justice

Robin real name Tim Drake is the third and current Robin. Between andhe was a member of the Teambut he resigned and began operating under a new, covert team under the command of Robin young justice.

Domestic Television. Despite its title, it is not a direct adaptation of Peter David , Todd Dezago and Todd Nauck 's Young Justice comic series, but rather an original story set in the DC Universe with a focus on teenage and young adult superheroes. The series follows the lives of teenage superheroes and sidekicks, namely Robin , Kid Flash , Aqualad , Superboy , Miss Martian , and Artemis , who are members of a fictional covert operation group. Within the show, "the Team" is a group of young heroes attached to the famous adult team, the Justice League , but operating outside of the bureaucracy that constrains the more established superhero team. The series debuted with an hour-long special on November 26, In November , Warner Bros. Animation announced that the series would be returning for a third season, subtitled Outsiders , which premiered on January 4, , on DC Universe.

Robin young justice

This article is about the current Robin, for the original Robin, see Nightwing. Sometime between and Tim Drake became the third Robin and Dick Grayson's successor as well as Batman's new protege and partner and a member of the team. Dick Grayson's student is Tim Drake. In "Happy New Year", Robin helped to defeat Clayface alongside the newly revealed members of the team including himself. After the mission is over Robin talks with Nightwing showing their good relations until Robin states that Nightwing is too protective by assigning him to the Gamma Squad for their next missions to hunt rogue aliens known as Kroloteans who had been stealing Zeta technology. Robin was assigned to lead the soft team "Gamma" squad by Nightwing believing that Robin was ready to lead though he had some doubt in himself. Gamma squad was quickly discovered and battled their way into retreating the Kroloteans back to there Zeta World who also plan to destroy the base, but the team must save the hostages below the base in just a little over three minutes. Robin successfully lead his team to victory through strategic planning and utilizing his small teams strengths to save the hostages and escape before being caught in the explosion. Robin was praised by not only his teammates but by his good friend Nightwing in a more brotherly way then a professional. In "Alienated", Robin was dispatched along with the team and League Members to hunt the last of the Krotoleans. Robin is assigned to a squad with the bat family, Batman , Nightwing and Batgirl who infiltrate the base alongside the other squads.

July 2,

On Earth, super-heroes have been around for less than a decade, but the Justice League already has sidekicks. The Team specializes in covert missions and reconnaissance. Throughout the series, the plot remained fresh while respecting the source material. For the last four years, Robin has endured a brutal physical training regimen that was put together specifically for him by the Dark Knight himself. This, combined with his years of training as a circus acrobat, has made Robin as physically strong, fast and agile as possible for a youth his size and weight.

Animation launches its latest series, "Young Justice" on Friday, November The two-part pilot, "Independence Day," is scheduled to air at 7 p. Set on Earth, "Young Justice" follows the lives of alternate versions of DCU's greatest teenaged superheroes and sidekicks, who have been assembled by Batman as members of a covert operation team. McCartney , who plays Robin, is primarily known as a singer-songwriter. A former member of the boy band Dream Street, he has since released three solo albums. His latest album, "Have It All," will be released on December When not making albums, McCartney has branched out into acting, most recently appearing on "Greek. McCartney told CBR News that playing Robin is a great honor and his ultimate goal is to make the Boy Wonder everything fans of the character want him to be. CBR News: Robin is obviously one of the most recognizable superheroes in all of comicdom, but what was your familiarity with the character before you answered the call to play the Boy Wonder on "Young Justice"?

Robin young justice

He assumed the leadership role of the covert operations team while Aqualad was in deep cover, but stepped down after the death of Wally West. After working solo for some time, he led a new team of young heroes until they were ready to join the Team. In his early days as Robin, despite being only 13, he was more experienced than his fellow sidekicks. By then he had been training under Batman's wing for four years.

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Retrieved October 26, — via Twitter. Beast Boy quipped that this was the impulse they detected, and as a response, the boy took Impulse as his name. Tim was later chastened by Gar , who was angry at how the Outsider's had been manipulated. Horror Sci-fi Batman. In a strange apartment—half comfortable, modern living space and half medieval torture chamber—Batman and Robin listened to Red Tornado 's update on the crises at Metropolis and the Moon. By allowing themselves to be captured, Tim and Barbara could inform the others about the inside of the base. In the face of their combined passion and conviction, the adults had but one option. As Arsenal's laser had the most effect on Black Beetle, Robin ordered Arsenal to continue his assault. Archived from the original on July 22, Robin and the rest of the Team returned to the warehouse. Discovery had no current plans to order a new season. Retrieved February 14, November 26, — June 9, [1] [2].

This animated spy drama explores the entire DC Universe through the eyes of young superheroes as they come of age, balancing truth and justice against the secrets and lies of various villains, allies and of their own making. IMDb 8.

Robin subsequently broke cover and joined the battle with the rest of the Team. Retrieved January 1, Retrieved April 3, Young Justice Outsiders ; Atkinson, Zac col. Tim can also be described as taking his profession more seriously than Dick did as Robin, which may also be a result of Batman. Wonder Woman's objections to the group creating "fake news" were met with silence from Robin and the others. Jones, Christopher a. After Impulse had stopped Neutron 's rampage, he claimed he was ready to go back to his own time. Since August 5, , Warner Bros. Robin asked why Arsenal would blow up the lab and Arsenal said he wouldn't let the Reach poison everyone, plus he wanted to humiliate Lex Luthor. This is an abridged version of the history that can be found in the Young Justice Main Article writeup. Tools Tools. Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog Injustice. Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs.

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