serena williams booty pictures

Serena williams booty pictures

March 25th, in FamousSerena Williams. Celebrity booty: Mr.

The champion tennis pro, fashion designer, and owner of one of the best bottoms on the planet, turns 33 on Friday, Sept. On top of all that, she has a super-toned derriere. Here are her best squat-inspiring looks of She feted the relaxing occasion in a racy animal print one-piece swimsuit, while keeping her blonde locks loose and wild. Sheer elegance! Williams walked the red carpet for an Oscars afterparty in March , wearing a curve-hugging lace gown by Michael Costello. Thank You!

Serena williams booty pictures

By Sarah Jones For Dailymail. Serena Williams sure knows how to court attention. The year-old tennis pro flaunted her shapely derriere in a tiny bikini while on holiday in Nassau, Bahamas. The vacation was a family affair; she was joined by her fellow sports star sister Venus and their mother, Oracene. Scroll down for video. Skimpy swimwear! Serena Williams showcased her bikini body while on vacation in Nassau, Bahamas on Tuesday. She wore a halter-style plunging floral bikini top with a second layer for added support and style over. Her string bottoms were a lovely shade of tangerine and hugged the star athlete's shapely derriere. Fine form! The Olympic gold medal winner showed off her athletic figure while wearing a mix-match bikini.

But everything


Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. Why Trust Us? Serena Williams has always been able to seamlessly transition from the Queen of the Tennis Courts , to the Red Carpet Royalty flawlessly. In pics from the event, Serena , 41, rocked a formfitting, black velvet gown, with a plunging neckline that showed off a sheer bodice and bra underneath. The glamorous black dress also featured a hip-high slit that showed off Serena's epically strong legs. And the whole thing was accessorized with her big curls, some silver jewelry and red nails. Here's the amazing look, in case you missed it IRL:. In September, the tennis GOAT shared in an exclusive Vogue interview that she planned to step back from the court to dedicate more time to her family. I, for one, love seeing Serena out and about, enjoying more free time and trying out some super glamorous looks.

Serena williams booty pictures

The champion tennis pro, fashion designer, and owner of one of the best bottoms on the planet, turns 33 on Friday, Sept. On top of all that, she has a super-toned derriere. Here are her best squat-inspiring looks of She feted the relaxing occasion in a racy animal print one-piece swimsuit, while keeping her blonde locks loose and wild. Sheer elegance!

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Sheer elegance! Gisele Bundchen releases her own cookbook called Nourish Williams walked the red carpet for an Oscars afterparty in March , wearing a curve-hugging lace gown by Michael Costello. Comments Share what you think. That's why we need to spend much Delight as London low traffic neighbourhood that caused so much congestion that buses were taking two hours A fascinating new book has Damn she thick! Love that profile. Fine form! Theresa May will not stand at the next General Election as former Prime Minister announces the 'difficult Man, 25, and woman, 20, are charged with murder after death of two-week-old baby 'Extremist attack' warning is issued for Moscow 'for the next 48 hours', with Brits and Americans urged to A DONK! As Dionne

Serena Williams brought the heat with her latest Instagram post.

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