Shin megami tensei iv fusion guide

Hi there! And thanks for taking the time to read this guide. This is a guide for how to fuse every demon in Shin Megami Tensei IV and get a full compendium, a task notably harder than in previous games. This guide does not contain skill descriptions.

Some Demons can transform into an entirely new demon without the use of Fusion. All you need to do is get it up to a certain level, and it will automatically transform! The Demon will say it will transform soon, during one of its level ups. Level it up a few more times to get it to transform. Once a demon Transforms, it will automatically jump to the starting level of the demon it becomes. For example: Archangel transforms to Principality at Level 22, but when it becomes Principality, it jumps to Level You will also be able to prevent the demon from transforming.

Shin megami tensei iv fusion guide

Copyright I will list one of the combinations you can use to get fuseable demons of a certain race, I will not list all possible combinations. This guide is a work in progress. I know this guide is currently missing information on most of the Famed and Fiend demon types. I don't have any of those demons yet, but I will include info on them when I get some. Fusing two demons of the same race usually results in an elemental. Fuse a normal demon with one of the four basic elementals, Erthys, Aeros, Flaemis, Aquans, to get a higher or lower level demon of the same race as the normal demon. In other words, you get the next tier up or down in strength for that race. You won't get an option to fuse the weakest demon of a race, bottom tier, with an elemental if the fusion would result in a down fusion. Some of the more powerful demon races require the use of the advanced elements, Gnome, Sylph, Undine, Salamander, to fuse up or down. Some demons require the special fusion option to get.

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In Shin Megami Tensei, the Fiends are a powerful race of demons who all represent death in some form, and well-known for being difficult bosses and awesome allies. They are also some of my favourite demons, and the satisfaction you get from beating a Fiend and then fusing it is second-to-none. However, in this game, not only are they tough to beat, but they are very tough to find as well. Most Fiends spawn in a very specific location, and the odds of them spawning there are an eye-watering 1 in That's right, chances are that for every attempts, you'll only encounter the demon once. And even then, it may well kill you although there is a way to get around this, thankfully. There are a total of ten Fiends in this game.

Shin megami tensei iv fusion guide

Copyright I will list one of the combinations you can use to get fuseable demons of a certain race, I will not list all possible combinations. This guide is a work in progress. I know this guide is currently missing information on most of the Famed and Fiend demon types. I don't have any of those demons yet, but I will include info on them when I get some. Fusing two demons of the same race usually results in an elemental. Fuse a normal demon with one of the four basic elementals, Erthys, Aeros, Flaemis, Aquans, to get a higher or lower level demon of the same race as the normal demon. In other words, you get the next tier up or down in strength for that race. You won't get an option to fuse the weakest demon of a race, bottom tier, with an elemental if the fusion would result in a down fusion. Some of the more powerful demon races require the use of the advanced elements, Gnome, Sylph, Undine, Salamander, to fuse up or down.

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If he uses both these moves, and has press turns to spare, there's a strong chance he will kill off your demons with Deadly Wind, a regular attack, or even Megidolaon. Let the strongest between us be the victor! Then there is no need for halfhearted hand-wringing! But he will then go into almighty spam with his remaining turns, and severely damage your other demons. Two demons Zombie Cop and Patriot can only be acquired through recruitment. Besides, if you keep using buffs, she will keep trying to remove them anyway. For example, if you're fighting White Rider, and everyone resists elec or better, he will use Megidolaon over and over. It's literally worse than death. I only included it for completeness' sake, and it's not featured in the method below. He will sometimes cast Megidolaon, but one or two uses per turn won't present much of a problem. Indeed, when I was fusing Camazotz Lv. However, if the game runs separate 'checks', this wouldn't make any difference.

In Shin Megami Tensei 4, you are able to transform demons into an entirely new demon without using the Demon Fusion.

Make sure the two non-decoys have buffs, debuffs, Doping, healing and offensive skills, since they'll often be the only ones alive. Pale won't go into almighty spam if your whole party resists physical or sick, so feel free to use as many demons with these qualities as possible. Black Rider has a 1 in chance to spawn in the Tennozu shelter, just after the second small drain, similar to Matador's spawn location in the Toyosu shelter. A more likely problem is how much Charon will charge you. In Shin Megami Tensei, the Fiends are a powerful race of demons who all represent death in some form, and well-known for being difficult bosses and awesome allies. Have at least two decoys with Enduring Soul, so when the first one dies, you can swap in the second with a new Enduring Soul. Message Sent. The chances of getting a Famed from a fusion accident seem quite high anyway, after all. Let us cross swords! But it's quite possible you could fuse Fameds 9, 10, or more levels higher or lower. Curiously, in all the fights I've had with the Fiends fighting each one at least three times , White's been the only one to use a single-target attack on a party member who nulls that element or better see here.

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