skye blue wrestler

Skye blue wrestler

Skye Blue has become a favorite of many fans in AEWas skye blue wrestler popularity began to grow throughout into After spending a few years on the independent wrestling circuit, Skye Blue found her way to AEW in

Skye Dolecki was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 2, , and she is currently 24 years old. Skye Blue. Pro Wrestlers Database. Mar Jun Skye Blue Game Appearances Coming soon.

Skye blue wrestler

Skye Blue is a young and talented woman. She's gotten a lot of attention ever since she started appearing in AEW Dark. Although not yet globally popular among fans, Blue possesses a ton of potential and could easily become one of the major stars in wrestling in the upcoming years. Despite having years of experience as a wrestler and working for numerous promotions, most fans didn't know about her until her AEW debut. Those who have seen Skye's work would agree that she is good in the ring, and the future is really bright for her. With her rise in prominence, there is much more to know about her. Skye Blue got a big reaction from the Chicago crowd back in during her first few appearances in AEW. Given that she was in front of a hometown, she got a huge reaction in matches against Riho and Red Velvet. However, this is a relationship that came to an end. Fans have an interest in the personal lives of professional wrestlers, brought about by the fact that these characters often feel larger than life on-screen. Her relationship with one-half of Aussie Open, Kyle Fletcher, is publicly known, with pictures being posted on social media of the pair together. When she was younger, she was ex-communicated from church after she lit a child on fire. The otherwise wholesome Skye Blue certainly has a dark side.

She will join House of Black soon i reckon.

Skylar Dolecki born October 2, is an American professional wrestler. Britt Baker, D. On the December 16, , edition of Collision , Skye Blue turned heel and aligned with Hart by joining her in attacking Abadon until a returning Thunder Rosa made the save. During her time on the Independent circuit and initially in All Elite Wrestling, the character of Skye Blue was that of a bubbly, energetic, good-natured girl-next-door. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

Skye Blue is a young and talented woman. She's gotten a lot of attention ever since she started appearing in AEW Dark. Although not yet globally popular among fans, Blue possesses a ton of potential and could easily become one of the major stars in wrestling in the upcoming years. Despite having years of experience as a wrestler and working for numerous promotions, most fans didn't know about her until her AEW debut. Those who have seen Skye's work would agree that she is good in the ring, and the future is really bright for her. With her rise in prominence, there is much more to know about her. Skye Blue got a big reaction from the Chicago crowd back in during her first few appearances in AEW. Given that she was in front of a hometown, she got a huge reaction in matches against Riho and Red Velvet. However, this is a relationship that came to an end. Fans have an interest in the personal lives of professional wrestlers, brought about by the fact that these characters often feel larger than life on-screen.

Skye blue wrestler

Skylar Dolecki born October 2, is an American professional wrestler. Britt Baker, D. On the December 16, , edition of Collision , Skye Blue turned heel for the first time in her career and aligned with Hart by joining her in attacking Abadon until a returning Thunder Rosa made the save. During her time on the Independent circuit and initially in All Elite Wrestling, the character of Skye Blue was that of a bubbly, energetic, good-natured girl-next-door. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version.

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You are so beautiful and sweet and sexy!!! She's really talented so it wouldn't be shocking if AEW makes her their Women's Championship in the future. Skye Blue's alliance with Julia Hart has turned her into a formidable force and the future looks promising. This angle took a bizarre turn, as Julia Hart seemed willing to align herself with Skye Blue. March 2, Newest Best Popular Newest Oldest. Retrieved October 13, Diva Dirt. June 25, Her reign ended in just a few weeks though. Archived from the original on October 27, Archived from the original on January 14,

Skye Dolecki was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 2, , and she is currently 24 years old. Skye Blue. Pro Wrestlers Database.

Skye Blue vs. Skye's birthday is actually October 2nd Plus the loss on the tag debut pretty much killed all credibility right out of the gate. Loading comment All Elite Wrestling. Archived from the original on January 20, Skye Blue has become a favorite of many fans in AEW , as her popularity began to grow throughout into Tools Tools. Athena vs. Skye's a Heel now as of Full Gear. Turning her heel made zero sense and easily one of the worst AEW moments. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Use mdy dates from December The comment will be refreshed after Archived from the original on October 17,

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