Snam quot

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SNAM S. Add to a list Add to a list. To use this feature you must be a member. Snam S. Market Closed - Borsa Italiana Other stock markets. Funds and ETFs. Sales 4.

Snam quot


Key metrics Market capitalisation, EUR 15, Iveco on top after plan, Eni on bottom.


The firm functions as an investment holding company. Snam Rete Gas SpA provides natural gas transport and dispatching services. The firm's focus areas encompass integrated natural gas transportation, energy investment plans, and transmission network management. It specializes in the development and operation of its regional and national networks, compressor stations, and dispatching centers. It invests in the implementation of efficiency measures in energy service company mode as well as offers customized energy saving solutions to various industries including the real estate and engineering procurement construction sectors. The company was founded in and is headquartered in Rome, Italy.

Snam quot

Key events shows relevant news articles on days with large price movements. Intesa Sanpaolo SpA. ISP 2. FBK 0.

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Sector Natural Gas Pipeline. Futures up; US inflation does not dampen buying. Snam : Venier, avviata due diligence per stoccaggi Edison, closing giugno. SNAM S. Risk overview Volatility 1 year Rolling 1 year volatility. ETFs positioned on Snam S. Equity Europe Mid Cap. Transcript : Snam S. Equity Europe Energy. Monica de Virgiliis td:not. Add to a list Add to a list. Analyst Recommendations on Snam S.

Morningstar Quantitative Ratings for Stocks are generated using an algorithm that compares companies that are not under analyst coverage to peer companies that do receive analyst-driven ratings.

Equity Europe Large Cap. Luca Passa td:not. Do you like the new justETF design, as can be seen on our new home page? Company Profile. Income Statement Evolution. Equity Europe Utilities. Buy Sell. Mib rises to 33,; MPS at new annual high. Mib positive; Poste and Prysmian accounts good. YTD Risk metrics in this section:. Broker Rating Savings plan offer Brokerage fee More information free of charge. Income statement Revenue, EUR 3, Press releases Snam S.

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