Spanking wiki
Last Updated: February 4, References.
Spanking is hitting the buttocks of another person to cause them pain. Spanking usually means hitting the buttocks of another person with an open hand. Parents in some countries spank children and teenagers to punish them. In some other countries this is no longer allowed. Parents often hope that spanking will make the children obey them.
Spanking wiki
Political cartoon from depicting Stephen A. Spanking or smacking is the most commonly-used form of corporal punishment , consisting of one or more sharp smacks applied on the buttocks. The verb to spank has been known in English since , possibly onomatopeic in nature. It is remarkable that English and several other languages have a specific, common verb for spanking, that distinguishes it from corporal punishment applied to parts of the anatomy other than the buttocks. Thus in Latin the only word derived from culus buttocks was culare, meaning 'to spank,' similar to the Italian sculacciare ; in French, the verb is fesser , also from 'fesses' buttocks. All of these terms testify to the historical or persisting prominence of this punitive target in many cultures. Spanking, by today's definition, consists of striking the buttocks , usually as a physical punishment , with either an open hand or various implements such as a cane or belt. In the empirical research literature, spanking is also know as customary corporal punishment CCP that consists of a swat of the hand on the child's buttocks or thighs, for the purposes of suppressing behavior judged offensive by the parent. CCP is part of a larger class of aversives, ubiquitous in childrearing, ranging from ignoring behavior or verbal disapproval, to stern correction and confinement. CCP is sometimes mistakenly equated with beating, which includes parent hostility and rage that produce trauma and physical injury in the child. In the United States and Canada , all discipline applied to the posterior is usually known as spanking. In Britain and many Commonwealth countries smacking or whacking is used as the general term; with spanking usually referring to bare-handed discipline.
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Spanking therapy uses spanking as a form of release. People may choose to take part in spanking therapy to release stress and responsibility, explore power roles, or work through negative emotions or trauma. However, there is limited scientific research on spanking therapy and its effectiveness. People may speak with a practitioner for spanking therapy or learn how to do it safely with a partner. Spanking therapy has no exact definition, but people may class it as any form of consensual spanking under BDSM, which stands for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism SM. Individuals may also class it as any consensual BDSM spanking to release certain emotions or work through issues, such as trauma. People may use it for relaxation or the release of power, responsibility, negative emotions, or trauma. Spanking therapy may be an option for anyone of an appropriate age to take part in consensual BDSM practices. People may wish to find a spanking therapist or learn how to safely carry out spanking therapy with a partner.
Spanking wiki
Caning is a form of corporal punishment consisting of a number of hits known as "strokes" or "cuts" with a single cane usually made of rattan , generally applied to the offender's bare or clothed buttocks see spanking or hands on the palm. Caning on the knuckles or shoulders is much less common. Caning can also be applied to the soles of the feet foot whipping or bastinado. The size and flexibility of the cane and the mode of application, as well as the number of the strokes, may vary. Flagellation was so common in England as punishment that caning, along with spanking and whipping , are called "the English vice". The thin cane generally used for corporal punishment is not to be confused with a walking stick , which is sometimes also called a cane especially in American English , but is thicker and much more rigid, and likely to be made of stronger wood. Caning was a common form of judicial punishment and official school discipline in many parts of the world in the 19th and 20th centuries. Corporal punishment with a cane or any other implement has now been outlawed in much, but not all, of Europe. In some countries caning is still in use in the post-independence era, particularly in Southeast Asia where it is now being used far more than it was under British rule , and in some African countries. The practice is retained, for male offenders only, under the criminal law in Malaysia , Singapore and Brunei.
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The fact that a parent or other caregiver is allowed to inflict physical and emotional pain on a child, whereas the same act performed upon another adult would be tantamount to assault , also brings into question the appropriateness of this form of physical punishment. I could be that friend, Josie had suggested. Additionally, some people who enjoy erotic spanking report that they were never spanked as children. Spanking must be phased out by the age of Recognize the contemporary research on the consequences of spanking. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Spanking. Your parents shouldn't treat you this way and you don't deserve it. However, research has shown that spanking or any other form of corporal punishment is associated with the opposite effect. Did this summary help you? Jake asked her. This "Golden Age" of spanking literature and French spanking photography came to an end as a result of the Second World War , more specifically due to the German occupation of France between and and later the enforcement of censorship laws. Video that explains how a wiki works. The majority of those that reported an intrinsic interest were unable to explain the origin of such interest. Most of them had liked that part alright and had raved about the great sex that ensued, the best ever, according to them.
Last Updated: March 6, References. To create this article, people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. There are 15 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
A precis on the philosophical principles of the use of CCP in child-rearing and the development of conscience is developed by Cross There are questions over what level of pain is appropriate until it crosses the threshold into abuse. Follow Us. Skip carousel. Rate as 5 out of 5, 5 stars. Parenting is hard, and it's normal to get frustrated or mad sometimes. Opponents also hold that spanking is ineffective and that other forms of discipline are more successful at teaching a child to behave properly. For example, "We do not throw snowballs at people's faces. Close suggestions Search Search. Updated: February 4, Develop mental health problems like anxiety and depression. It also induces a feeling of helplessness as the child is no longer in control of the situation. We need the leaders to provide the edge against technically superior forces. In Slovenia , there is a jocular tradition that anyone who succeeds in climbing to the top of Mount Triglav receives a spanking or birching. Here are ten tales about such people, including the first spanking for some of them and punishment for others as a regular part of their carnal pleasure.
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