Stith funeral home danville kentucky obituaries

Sammy "Sam" J. He was born December 29, in Richmond, Kentucky. He was the son of the late Ralph J.

We wish to capture the spirit of life through carefully planned meaningful memorials. From the first call to farewell, we offer families kind and personalized care when they need it the most. Our locations provide options for a gracious home or a warm church setting, but we also want to ensure that when you say goodbye for the last time, it will be an occasion to remember. If you would like to plan a non-traditional service on a golf course, at a favorite community spot, or wherever feels like home, our caring and capable staff are here to create a service as unique as the life you want to celebrate. Let us help your family ensure you receive your earned benefits. Contact Us

Stith funeral home danville kentucky obituaries


First name.


Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools. Funeral Homes. Friday, March 22, Monday, March 18, Saturday, March 16, Monday, March 11, Saturday, March 9,

Stith funeral home danville kentucky obituaries

We wish to capture the spirit of life through carefully planned meaningful memorials. From the first call to farewell, we offer families kind and personalized care when they need it the most. Our locations provide options for a gracious home or a warm church setting, but we also want to ensure that when you say goodbye for the last time, it will be an occasion to remember. If you would like to plan a non-traditional service on a golf course, at a favorite community spot, or wherever feels like home, our caring and capable staff are here to create a service as unique as the life you want to celebrate. Let us help your family ensure you receive your earned benefits. Contact Us Celebrating stories.

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Evelyn Friend Newsom, 92, died Monday, March 27, Stories per page 15 25 50 Visitation will be held from 5 to p. Close Search Modal. Planning for peace of mind. Request Now. Personal Service. Planning in Advance. What to do First. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. Previous slide. Celebrating stories. Date of birth. Funeral homes curate a final ceremony that provides space for guests to begin the journey through grief together.


Visitation will be held from 5 to p. Date of passing. We wish to capture the spirit of life through carefully planned meaningful memorials. Close Search Modal. Request Now. This expertise contributes to a meaningful funeral service that gives mourners a chance to say their last farewells. Marsha Ann Grant Nash Obituary. Contact Us Stith Funeral Home. Learn More. Last name. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. A private, family only, graveside service will be held at Bellevue Cemetery. Evelyn Newsom Obituary.

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