superfund site

Superfund site

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Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. This GIS dataset contains polygons depicting U. EPA Superfund Site boundaries. Site boundaries are polygons representing the footprint of a whole site, defined for purposes of this effort as the sum of all of the Operable Units and the current understanding of the full extent of contamination.

Superfund site

What is a Superfund site? Superfund sites are locations polluted with hazardous materials. What is Superfund? Superfund is the name given to the environmental program established to address abandoned hazardous waste sites. It is also the name of the fund established by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of , as amended. This law allows the EPA to clean up such sites and to compel responsible parties to perform cleanups or reimburse the government for EPA-led clean-ups. How does the Superfund clean-up process work? The Superfund clean-up process is complex. It involves the steps taken to assess sites, place them on the National Priorities List, and establish and implement appropriate cleanup plans. This is the long-term cleanup process which usually takes years to accomplish.

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The program is designed to investigate and clean up sites contaminated with hazardous substances. Sites managed under this program are referred to as Superfund sites. Of all the sites selected for possible action under this program and there are tens of thousands across the U. The state of New Jersey , the fifth smallest state in the U. The EPA seeks to identify parties responsible for hazardous substances released to the environment polluters and either compel them to clean up the sites, or it may undertake the cleanup on its own using the Superfund a trust fund and seek to recover those costs from the responsible parties through settlements or other legal means.

The program is designed to investigate and clean up sites contaminated with hazardous substances. Sites managed under this program are referred to as Superfund sites. Of all the sites selected for possible action under this program and there are tens of thousands across the U. The state of New Jersey , the fifth smallest state in the U. The EPA seeks to identify parties responsible for hazardous substances released to the environment polluters and either compel them to clean up the sites, or it may undertake the cleanup on its own using the Superfund a trust fund and seek to recover those costs from the responsible parties through settlements or other legal means. In these circumstances, taxpayers had been paying for the cleanup operations.

Superfund site

Across the USA, there are thousands of contaminated sites where hazardous materials have been dumped in inadequate locations. The EPA is responsible for cleaning those sites up and making them usable again. Superfund refers to the trust fund the EPA used until to pay for site cleanup. An HRS of There are two purposes of Superfund sites: the first is to reduce health risks, usually by cleanups, engineered controls like caps and site restrictions like groundwater use restrictions. The second is to return the site to use as a place of business or recreation, or as a natural ecosystem.

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EPA Michigan v. Superfund cleanups protect human health and the environment, while also supporting community revitalization efforts and economic opportunities through redevelopment. September Learn how and when to remove this template message. Your report has been successfully sent. November Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Download as PDF Printable version. State governments pay 10 percent of cleanup costs in general, and at least 50 percent of cleanup costs if the state operated the facility responsible for contamination. Duke Law Journal. This law allows the EPA to clean up such sites and to compel responsible parties to perform cleanups or reimburse the government for EPA-led clean-ups. The last full fiscal year FY in which the Department of the Treasury collected the excise tax was The Hazard Ranking System is a scoring system used to evaluate potential relative risks to public health and the environment from releases or threatened releases of hazardous wastes at uncontrolled waste sites. This is the long-term cleanup process which usually takes years to accomplish. Hawaii Wildlife Fund Sackett v. Authority control databases.

This is not the current EPA website.

September 17, Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. January 6, Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. September 15, Union Gas Co. Morton Vermont Yankee v. United States , No. Read Edit View history. This is the long-term cleanup process which usually takes years to accomplish. Virgin Islands. Superfund sites in the United States. The Superfund law also authorizes federal natural resource agencies, primarily EPA, states and Native American tribes to recover natural resource damages caused by hazardous substances, though most states have and most often use their own versions of a state Superfund law.

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